如何在运行时向ANY事件的调用列表中添加方法(C#+ Unity)

时间:2016-04-18 00:23:07

标签: c# android unity3d reflection delegates


现有项目有各种不同代表签名的活动, 像这样:

public delegate void CustomDelegateType1();
public event CustomDelegateType1 OnCustomEvent1;

public delegate void CustomDelegateType2(CustomClass param);
public event CustomDelegateType2 OnCustomEvent2;




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您似乎只想注册某些事件(因为您想在UI中进行选择)。 你为什么不创建一个管理你的音频的classe,并注册你需要的所有事件。



答案 1 :(得分:0)

我能够调整this SO answer中提供的代码来解决我的问题:

    public static Delegate AddHandler(this object obj, string eventName, Action action)
    // Filter list by event name
    EventInfo ev = obj.GetType().GetEvents().Where(x => x.Name == eventName).FirstOrDefault();
    if (ev == null)
        Debug.LogWarning(eventName + " not found on " + obj.ToString());
        return null;

    // Simple case - the signature matches so just add the new handler to the list
    if (ev.EventHandlerType == typeof(Action))
        ev.AddEventHandler(obj, action);

        return action;

    Delegate del = CreateDelegate(ev, action);
    ev.AddEventHandler(obj, del);

    return del;

public static void RemoveHandler(this object obj, string eventName, Action action)
    // Filter list by event name
    var ev = obj.GetType().GetEvents().Where(x => x.Name == eventName).FirstOrDefault();
    if (ev == null)
        Debug.LogWarning(eventName + " not found on " + obj.ToString());

    // Simple case - the signature matches so just add the new handler to the list
    if (ev.EventHandlerType == typeof(Action))
        ev.RemoveEventHandler(obj, action);
        Delegate del = CreateDelegate(ev, action);
        ev.RemoveEventHandler(obj, del);

private static Delegate CreateDelegate(EventInfo ev, Action action)
    // Retrieve the parameter types of the event handler
    var parameters = ev.EventHandlerType.GetMethod("Invoke").GetParameters();

    ParameterExpression[] parameters2 = Array.ConvertAll(parameters, x => Expression.Parameter(x.ParameterType, x.Name));
    MethodCallExpression call;

    // We are "opening" the delegate and directly using the Target and the Method.
    if (action.Target == null) // Event is static
        call = Expression.Call(action.Method);
    else // Event is instanced
        call = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(action.Target), action.Method);

    var exp = Expression.Lambda(ev.EventHandlerType, call, parameters2);

    return exp.Compile();

