matplotlib - 使用matplotlib绘制时间序列

时间:2016-04-19 20:23:47

标签: python matplotlib



let city = tweetsDict["place"]?["full_name"] as? String ?? "Unknown city"


  03/12 20:23:26.11: 04:23:26 L9 <Mx  Acc  Magnum All            XDV:00111A0000000117 00D3001200870172 01FF6000F01CFE81 3D26000000000300
    03/12 20:23:26.11: 04:23:26 L9 <Mx  Acc  MID 0x1500 Len 26   XDV:00111A0000000117 00D3001200870172 01FF6000F01CFE81 3D26000000000300
    03/12 20:23:26.11: 04:23:26 L8 <Mx  JK31 (Mx)                  JSP: Size = 166, Data: 00345C4101003031 E463EF0113108701 5A01FF6008F01CFE 81AB170000000003 EF01131087015A01 FF6008F01CFE81AB 170000000003EF01 131087015B01FF60 00F01CFE81701B00 00000003EF011310 87015B01FF6000F0 1CFE81701B000000 0003EF0113108701 5C01FF2000F01CFE 81CB240000000003 EF01131087015C01 57CC00F01CFE81CB 240000000003EF01 131087015D01FF20 00F01CFE815B2900 00000003EF011310 87015D01FF2000F0 1CFE815B29000000 0003EF0113108701 5E01FF6000F01CFE 819D280000000003 EF01131087015E01 FF6000F01CFE819D 0003
    03/15 20:23:26.11: 04:23:26 L8 <Kx  JK49 (Kx)                  JSP: Size = 163, Data: 00647741000030EF 01131087015A01FF 6008F01CFE81AB17 0000000003EF0113 1087015A01FF6008 F01CFE81AB170000 000003EF01131087 015B01FF6000F01C FE81701B00000000 03EF01131087015B 01FF6000F01CFE81 701B0000000003EF 01131087015C01FF 2000F01CFE81CB24 0000000003EF0113 1087015C01FF2000 F01CFE81CB240000 000003EF01131087 015D01FF2000F01C FE815B2900000000 03EF01131087015D 01FF2000F01CFE81 5B290000000003EF 01131087015E01FF 6000F01CFE819D28 0000000003EF0113 1087015E01FF6000 F01CFE819D280000 A6220000000003
    03/15 20:23:26.11: 04:23:26 L8 <Kx  JK21 (Kx)                  JSP: = 163, Data: 009D1141000030EF 01131087015A01FF 6008F01CFE81AB17 0000000003EF0113 1087015A01FF6008 F01CFE81AB170000 000003EF01131087 015B01FF6000F01C FE81701B00000000 03EF01131087015B 01FF6000F01CFE81 701B0000000003EF 01131087015C01FF 2000F01CFE81CB24 0000000003EF0113 1087015C01FF2000 F01CFE81CB240000 000003EF01131087 015D01FF2000F01C FE815B2900000000 03EF01131087015D 01FF2000F01CFE81 5B290000000003EF 01131087015E01FF 6000F01CFE819D28 0000000003EF0113 1087015E01FF6000 F01CFE819D280000 A6220000000003


04:20:54 491
04:21:02 33
04:21:04 1063
04:21:04 1063
04:21:04 711
04:21:09 56
04:21:12 73
04:21:14 1066
04:21:14 931
04:21:18 618
04:21:18 51
04:21:22 27
04:21:24 1063
04:21:24 1063
04:21:24 535
04:21:33 24
04:21:33 1063
04:21:33 1063
04:21:33 978
04:21:43 36
04:21:45 1063
04:21:45 1063
04:21:45 755
04:21:53 27
04:21:55 1066
04:21:55 1063
04:21:55 711
04:22:03 30
04:22:05 1069
04:22:05 1063
04:22:05 1063
04:22:05 450
04:22:10 56
04:22:12 76
04:22:15 1066
04:22:15 1063
04:22:15 1066

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


from dateutil import parser

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

match = ("L8 <Mx JK31 (Mx)")
with open("test.txt") as fin:
    print(' : {}',
    time_data = []
    size_data = []
    for line in fin:

        if match in line:
           line = line.strip.split()
           time_str = line[2]
           t = parser.parse(time_str)  ## NOTE: changed 'time' to 't', because it's a bad idea to use 'time' as a variable name, since it is a python built-in
           size = int(line[9].strip(","))
    plt.plot(time_data, size_data)   


更新: 这是一种概括多个匹配字符串的方法:

from dateutil import parser

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

match_list = ["L8 <Mx JK31 (Mx)", "L9 <Mx JK31 (Mx)"]  ## put all match strings in this list
with open("test.txt") as fin:
    print(' : {}',
    time_data = {}  ## save data in dictionaries, with string keys and lists as values
    size_data = {}
    for line in fin:
        for match in match_list:
            if match in line:
               if match not in time_data:
                   time_data[match] = []  ## initialize empty list the first time this key is encountered
                   size_data[match] = []
               line = line.strip.split()
               time_str = line[2]
               t = parser.parse(time_str)  
               size = int(line[9].strip(","))
    for match in match_list:
        plt.figure()  ## create a new figure for each data set
        plt.plot(time_data[match], size_data[match])  ## simultaneously show all plots