
时间:2016-04-20 10:23:53

标签: javascript jquery ajax


<base href="/">
<!-- Set the base href -->
<script>document.write('<base href="'+ document.location +'"/>');</script>


  1. 函数内部有AJAX调用(以及随后在该函数内部调用的所有其他子函数)。
  2. 如果有的话,会让浏览器“等待”直到AJAX调用结束,然后再运行下一行。
  3. 目前,我正在使用一种利用类似于var doSomething = function(by, activity) { // Call something from the API of from another developer // or a function() from a 3rd party JS library. var anonFunction = API.package[by][activity]; // or anonFunction = 3rpPartyJS(); if(anonFunction === undefined) { return "skipped"; } else { var response = anonFunction(); // The problem is that the code below will execute not knowing whether // there are still AJAX call/s pending within the var anonFunction // initialization. If there is indeed an AJAX call (which sometimes there // aren't, depends on the <function name> called above), the script below // will be executed a little bit earlier than it should be. if(response["success"] === true) { ... // do something return "done"; } else { alert("Failed to call function " + by + "." + me); return "fail"; } } } $(function() { // This is successful. doSomething("me", "aSyncFunction"); // This returns "fail", even thought the response returns // successful (after some X milliseconds later). doSomething("me", "anAsyncFunction"); }); 功能的笨拙解决方案,但我知道这不是一个好的解决方案。我需要这样的东西:


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