
时间:2016-04-21 20:39:25

标签: attachment docusignapi

有没有办法在docusign中限制签名者附件文件大小,无论是使用API​​还是通过DocuSign网站上的设置。我已经阅读(在API guide中)附件有25 MB的限制。有没有办法将此限制为较小的数字?

奇怪的是,触发此问题的文档大小为31 MB。我们的客户能够上传一个很大的文档,但我们的应用程序遇到了超时问题,因为下载它需要很长时间。为什么客户能够上传如此大的附件?


1 个答案:

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[1] No there is not currently a way that outside applications could limit the platform wide limit of ~25MB per envelope that DocuSign has in place. It is recommended that you add logic to your app/integration that checks the file size BEFORE you make the API call to create the envelope and stops the user from using that document if it's too large.

[2] The reason why a particular 30MB document was accepted by the platform but other 30MB documents might error out is due to encryption. Whenever you create a new DocuSign envelope the system automatically encrypts and hashes each document. This in turn bloats the envelope larger. The true limit of the platform is actually 50MB per envelope, so based on the actual data and bytes of your docs different ones will be enlarged to different sizes, and some will exceed that 50MB limit whereas others might not.
