NLTK - Remove Tags From Parsed Chunks

时间:2016-04-25 09:20:55

标签: python nlp nltk

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import nltk
import re

from nltk.tree import *
from nltk.chunk.util import tagstr2tree
from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag

text = "Yarın, Mehmet ile birlikte Ankara'da ki Nüfus Müdürlüğü'ne, Aziz 
Yıldırım ile birlikte, Şükrü Saraçoğlu Stadı'na gideceğiz.".decode("utf-8")

tagged_text = pos_tag(word_tokenize(text))
tagged_text2 = word_tokenize(text)

grammar = "NP:{<NNP>+}"

cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar)
result = cp.parse(tagged_text)

for tree in result:

wrapped = "(ROOT "+ str(result) + " )"  # Add a "root" node at the top
trees = nltk.Tree.fromstring(wrapped, read_leaf=lambda x: x.split("/")[0])

for tree in trees:

for tree2 in result:
    print(nltk.Tree.fromstring(str(tree2), read_leaf=lambda x: x.split("/")[0]))

The Output:

(NP Yar\u0131n/NNP)
(u',', ',')
(NP Mehmet/NNP)
(u'ile', 'NN')
(u'birlikte', 'NN')
(NP Ankara'da/NNP ki/NNP Nufus/NNP Mudurlugu'ne/NNP)
(u',', ',')
(NP Aziz/NNP Y\u0131ld\u0131r\u0131m/NNP)
(u'ile', 'NN')
(u'birlikte', 'NN')
(u',', ',')
(NP Sukru/NNP Saracoglu/NNP Stad\u0131'na/NNP)
(u'gidece\u011fiz', 'NN')
(u'.', '.')

['Yar\\u0131n', ',', 'Mehmet', 'ile', 'birlikte', "Ankara'da", 'ki', 'Nufus', "Mudurlugu'ne", ',', 'Aziz', 'Y\\u0131ld\\u0131r\\u0131m', 'ile', 'birlikte', ',', 'Sukru', 'Saracoglu', "Stad\\u0131'na", 'gidecegiz', '.']

(NP Yar\u0131n)
(u',', ',')
(NP Mehmet)
(u'ile', 'NN')
(u'birlikte', 'NN')
(NP Ankara'da ki Nufus Mudurlugu'ne)
(u',', ',')
(NP Aziz Y\u0131ld\u0131r\u0131m)
(u'ile', 'NN')
(u'birlikte', 'NN')
(u',', ',')
(NP Sukru Saracoglu Stad\u0131'na)
(u'gidece\u011fiz', 'NN')
(u'.', '.')

I referenced from :How can I remove POS tags before slashes in nltk?

I want to grouping proper names and remove the tags but when i used the solution it effects the whole text and after that my chunk parse is gone. I really tried the understand the tree structure but how can i apply the the removing function in for statement. I want my Output like:

My desired output:

[Ankara'da ki Nufus Mudurlugu'ne]

Also i can't deal with utf-8 as you see my output is full of non-ascii characters. How can i deal with it ?


for i in range(len(tree)):
    arr.append(nltk.Tree.fromstring(str(tree[i]), read_leaf=lambda x: x.split("/")[0]).leaves())

I found what shoul i write in the code but now i have the following error. I think i can't append punctuations on my array.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 61, in <module>
    arr.append(nltk.Tree.fromstring(str(tree[i]), read_leaf=lambda x: x.split("/")[0]).leaves())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nltk/", line 630, in fromstring
    cls._parse_error(s, match, open_b)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nltk/", line 675, in _parse_error
    raise ValueError(msg)
ValueError: expected u'(' but got ','
            at index 0.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



>>> result = cp.parse(tagged_text)
>>> terms = []
>>> for e in result:
    if isinstance(e, tuple):
        terms.append([ e[0] ])
        terms.append([w for w, t in e])
>>> pprint.pprint(terms)
 ["Ankara'da", 'ki', 'Nüfus', "Müdürlüğü'ne"],
 ['Aziz', 'Yıldırım'],

答案 1 :(得分:0)

for i in range(len(tree)):
        arr.append(nltk.Tree.fromstring(str(tree[i]), read_leaf=lambda x: x.split("/")[0]).leaves())
    except ValueError:
