x86 decoding of multi-uop instructions

时间:2016-04-25 09:40:32

标签: performance x86 micro-optimization

Agner Fog in his microarch.pdf says:

Decoding becomes more efficient because an instruction that generates one fused μop can go into any of the three decoders while an instruction that generates two μops can go only to decoder D0.

I know that the decoders take x86 machine code as input (like the assembler output from mov eax, eax), and produce micro-ops as output.

How is it determined which decoder should decodes particular instruction before decoding? Maybe pre-decoders?

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Agner的microarch PDF解释了解码,以及多uop指令会发生什么。

如果多uop指令不是正被解码的块中的第一个insn,则解码在该insn处结束。在下一个周期中,解码从多ump insn开始,因此它将触及可以处理多uop指令的复杂解码器。



