
时间:2016-04-25 14:04:40

标签: python python-3.x



def construct(): # Construction order
    print ("What do you wanna construct?")
    print ("Type 'help' for a list of buildings.")
    command = input()
    if command == 'help':
        print_buildings() # Prints a list of the different buildings
    elif command in building_types: # If the command is a key in the list 'building_types'
        amount = int(input("How many? "))
        build(building_types[command], amount) # Call the function 'build'

构建功能是让我摸不着头脑的部分。当你第一次看到它时,相当明显的是什么。 构建函数应该是:

def build(command, amount):
    building_amount[command] += amount

但是建筑物并没有在一个实例中构建。根据建筑类型,建筑物建造需要更长的时间。为此,我有' next_day'功能:

def next_day():
    global money
    global day
    total = income - expense # The total of the days income and expense
    money += total # The total is added to money
    day += 1 # Next day
    main_menu() # Goes back to the menu

我希望在' x'之后构建建筑物。天数。我该怎么做呢?提前感谢任何愿意提供帮助的人。


  • 编辑1:修复缩进
  • 编辑2:暂时修复参数问题

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