CentOS 7安装带有GUI的Octave 4.0.2(OpenGL支持)

时间:2016-04-27 14:46:37

标签: centos octave centos7

我正在尝试从CentOS 7中的源代码安装Octave 4但是我收到了警告消息:

configure: WARNING: OpenGL libs (GL and GLU) not found.  Native graphics will be disabled.
configure: WARNING: OpenGL libs (GL and GLU) not found -- disabling GUI
configure: WARNING: 
configure: WARNING: I didn't find the necessary libraries to compile native
configure: WARNING: graphics.  It isn't necessary to have native graphics,
configure: WARNING: but you will need to have gnuplot installed or you won't
configure: WARNING: be able to use any of Octave's plotting commands
configure: WARNING: 
configure: NOTE: Libraries or auxiliary programs may be skipped if they are
configure: NOTE: not found OR if they are missing required features on your
configure: NOTE: system.


我也完成了yum install libqt4-opengl-dev,但收到了错误No package libqt4-opengl-dev available.


编辑:回答我自己的问题 请看问题下方的评论。

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我知道这是一个古老的问题,但是如果有人仍在寻找安装Octave 4.x的简便方法,我想将其保留。 安装Octave 4的最简单方法是使用Flatpack。它默认安装在CentOS 7中。

flatpak install flathub org.octave.Octave
flatpak run org.octave.Octave

如果您使用的是Red Hat,则需要先安装flatpak:

sudo yum install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo