
时间:2016-05-04 22:24:38

标签: vhdl



    library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- 00   :   LOAD --
-- 01   :   ADD/SUB  --
-- 10   :   Print--
-- 11   :   BEQ  --

-- li - RS Values --
-- 00 : R0 --
-- 01 : R1 --
-- 10 : R2 --
-- 11 : R3 --

-- //      add     | op, rs, rd, rt       //
-- //      sub     | op, rs, rd, rt       //
-- //      li      | op, rs, immediate    //
-- //      beq     | op, rs, rd, zero     //
-- //      print   | op, rs, zero, one    //

-- Current Problems --

-- need variables?
-- dont know what to do with numInst

entity Calculator is

port (

    Clock       : in std_logic;
    numInst     : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    --Max Value of PC? 8 bits
    Instruction : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    --8 bit instruction
    PC          : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    --8 bit output, used to retrieve next instruction
    PRINTER     : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    --8 bit output is set to value of register when instruction display is executed
    ENABLE      : in std_logic;
    --when high, instruction execute, when low, hold-no instruction executed
    RESET       : in std_logic
    --on rising edge, reset register value to 0, restart excution of calculator


end Calculator;

architecture Behavorial of Calculator is

component ADD is

port (

    A   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    B   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    Carry   : out std_logic;
    Sum : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)

end component;

component decode is

port (

    instr   : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    op  : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
    rs  : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
    rd  : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
    rt  : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0)

end component;

--need variable or signal to store opcode
--maybe need variable to store values identifier of rs, rt, rd
--random comment for something else...idk
--maybe we dont need a separate register vhdl file, make variable?

signal op, rs, rt, rd: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
signal immediate, AddOut: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
signal carrybit: std_logic;
--make register signals? R0, R1, R2, R3 
signal R0, R1, R2, R3: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000000";


decode port map (Instruction, op, rs, rd, rt);

calc: process (Clock, ENABLE, RESET)

-- use variables opcode, rs, rt, rd  to break up Instruction


    if (ENABLE = '0') then

        --nothing, calculator is disabled

    else --ENABLE at 1

        if (rising_edge(RESET)) then

            PC <= "00000000"; -- restart execution
            op <= "00";
            rs <= "00";
            rt <= "00";
            rd <= "00";

            --registers go to 0

        elsif (rising_edge(Clock)) then


        elsif (Clock = '1') then
            if (op = "00") then
            --maybe can be used to load values into registers

                if(rd(1)='1') then
                    immediate(7 downto 4):='1';
                    immediate(3 downto 2)<= rd;
                    immediate(1 downto 0)<= rt;
                    immediate(7 downto 4):='0';
                    immediate(3 downto 2)<= rd;
                    immediate(1 downto 0)<= rt;         
                end if;

            --PC = PC + 1
            elsif (op = "01") then --add

                if(rs = "00") then
                    if(rt = "00") then
                        addi00: ADD port map(R0,R0,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "01") then
                        addi01: ADD port map(R0,R1,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "10") then
                        addi02: ADD port map(R0,R2,carrybit,AddOut);
                        addi03: ADD port map(R0,R3,carrybit,AddOut);
                    end if;
                elsif(rs = "01") then
                    if(rt = "00") then
                        addi10: ADD port map(R1,R0,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "01") then
                        addi11: ADD port map(R1,R1,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "10") then
                        addi12: ADD port map(R1,R2,carrybit,AddOut);
                        addi13: ADD port map(R1,R3,carrybit,AddOut);
                    end if;
                elsif(rs = "10") then
                    if(rt = "00") then
                        addi20: ADD port map(R2,R0,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "01") then
                        addi21: ADD port map(R2,R1,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "10") then
                        addi22: ADD port map(R2,R2,carrybit,AddOut);
                        addi23: ADD port map(R2,R3,carrybit,AddOut);
                    end if; 
                    if(rt = "00") then
                        addi30: ADD port map(R3,R0,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "01") then
                        addi31: ADD port map(R3,R1,carrybit,AddOut);
                    elsif(rt = "10") then
                        addi32: ADD port map(R3,R2,carrybit,AddOut);
                        addi33: ADD port map(R3,R3,carrybit,AddOut);
                    end if;
                end if;
                --use component of adder vhdl file?
                --PC = PC + 1 ?

                --use adder (subtractor) component
                --PC = PC + 1 ?

            elsif (op = "10") then 

            -- need rs, rt, rd, variable?

                    if (rs = "00") then

                        PRINTER <= R0;
                        --insert print code here
                        --PC = PC + 1 -- to continue to next instruction

                    elsif (rs = "01") then

                        PRINTER <= R1;
                        --insert print code here
                        --PC = PC + 1 -- to continue to next instruction

                    elsif (rs = "10") then

                        PRINTER <= R2;
                        --insert print code here
                        --PC = PC + 1 -- to continue to next instruction
                    else  --(rs = "11") then

                        PRINTER <= R3;
                        --insert print code here
                        --PC = PC + 1 -- to continue to next instruction    

                    end if;

            elsif (op = "11") then --beq

                --if (register1 != register2) then

                        --PC <= PC + 1;


                        --PC <= PC + 2;

                --end if;

            end if;

        end if;

        elsif (falling_edge(Clock)) then

            if (op = "00") then

                if (rs = "00") then

                    R0 <= immediate;

                elsif (rs = "01") then

                    R1 <= immediate;

                elsif (rs = "10") then

                    R2 <= immediate;

                else --rs = "11"

                    R3 <= immediate;

                end if;

            elsif (op = "01") then

                if (rd = "00") then

                    R0 <= AddOut;--output of adder;

                elsif (rd = "01") then

                    R1 <= AddOut;--output of adder;

                elsif (rd = "10") then

                    R2 <= AddOut;--output of adder;

                else --rd = 11

                    R3 <= Addout;--output of adder;

                end if;

            end if;

        end if;

    end if;

end process calc;

end architecture Behavorial;

我无法真正理解的主要问题是如何在某些情况下使用我的加法器组件(if / else条件)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


signal L, R : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);

-- snip

addi: ADD port map(L,R,carrybit,AddOut);   -- here is the ADD instance

calc: process (Clock, ENABLE, RESET)

-- snip

        --PC = PC + 1
        elsif (op = "01") then --add

            if(rs = "00") then
                if(rt = "00") then
                    L <= R0; R <= R0;
                elsif(rt = "01") then
                    L <= R0; R <= R1;
                elsif(rt = "10") then
                    L <= R0; R <= R2;
                    L <= R0; R <= R3;
                end if;
            elsif(rs = "01") then
                if(rt = "00") then
                    L <= R0; R <= R0;
                elsif(rt = "01") then
                    L <= R1; R <= R1;
                elsif(rt = "10") then
                    L <= R1 R <= R2;
                    L <= R1; R <= R3;
                end if;
            elsif(rs = "10") then
                if(rt = "00") then
                    L <= R2; R <= R0;
                elsif(rt = "01") then
                    L <= R2; R <= R1;
                elsif(rt = "10") then
                    L <= R2; R <= R2;
                    L <= R3; R <= R3;
                end if; 
                if(rt = "00") then
                    L <= R3; R <= R0;
                elsif(rt = "01") then
                    L <= R3; R <= R1;
                elsif(rt = "10") then
                    L <= R3; R <= R2;
                    L <= R3; R <= R3;
                end if;
            end if;
            --use component of adder vhdl file?



i)signal R0, R1, R2, R3: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000000";



decode port map (Instruction, op, rs, rd, rt);


deci : decode port map (Instruction, op, rs, rd, rt);


deci : decode port map (Instruction, op, rs, rd, rt);


deci : decode port map (instr => Instruction, op => op, rs => rs, rd = rd, rt => rt);


calc: process (Clock, ENABLE, RESET)

    if (ENABLE = '0') then    

    else --ENABLE at 1

        if (rising_edge(RESET)) then

        elsif (rising_edge(Clock)) then

        elsif (Clock = '1') then


process(clock, async_reset)  -- nothing else should go in the sensitivity list
    -- never put anything here
    if async_reset ='1' then  -- or '0' for an active low reset
        -- set/reset the flip-flops here
        -- ie drive the signals to their initial values
    elsif rising_edge(clock) then  -- or falling_edge(clock)
        -- put the synchronous stuff here
        -- ie the stuff that happens on the rising or falling edge of the clock
    end if;
     -- never put anything here
end process;        


calc: process (Clock, RESET)


        elsif (rising_edge(Clock)) then
           if (ENABLE = '0') then     


    if (rising_edge(RESET)) then


    if RESET = '1' then


elsif (Clock = '1') then


    elsif (falling_edge(Clock)) then




我建议你将设计分解为许多较小的流程。对每种硬件都有一个清晰的想法。每个都执行特定功能,例如将输入多路复用到ADD block。例如,考虑:

  • 流程是顺序逻辑还是组合逻辑?

  • 是重置异步还是同步?

  • 有什么输入?

  • 有什么输出?


process(clock)  -- nothing else should go in the sensitivity list
    -- never put anything here
    if rising_edge(clock) then    -- or falling_edge(clock)
        -- put the synchronous stuff here
        -- ie the stuff that happens on the rising or falling edge of the clock
    end if;
     -- never put anything here
end process;