使用Visual Studio的git分支之间的差异

时间:2016-05-05 13:52:56

标签: git visual-studio-2015

我正在尝试理解两个分支之间的比较或使用VS 2015的不同提交。



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:24)


  1. 转到代码 - >分支
  2. 点击此屏幕截图中更新日期右侧的提交差异计数: vsts_screenshot
  3. 这会将您带到一个页面,该页面显示两者之间的提交差异以及文件比较

答案 1 :(得分:18)

To compare a specific object (solution, project, source file,...) in Microsoft Visual Studio (using MVS2015):

  1. Locate the object in the Solution Explorer, and bring up the context menu (right-click): select "View History...". This brings up the History window for this object, with all the commits where the object changed (from any branch).
  2. Multi-select the two commits that you want to compare (left-click on the first one, Ctrl-left-click on the second one).
  3. Now bring up the context menu on either of the selected commits (right_click): select "Compare...". This brings up the Diff window for the object in the respective commits (with the differences highlighted in red -lines removed from first commit- or green -lines added in second commit). You can use the scroll bar in the Diff window, or the "Previous Difference" and "Next Difference" button in the ribbon to go between the differences of the object.

I am not sure that there is a way to compare ALL the items in two different commits (I just invoke GitKraken -free for non-commercial purposes- or any other GUI for git on my local repo). Gitkraken is amazingly simple though: select any two commits, and all the differences between those commits are available at your fingertips.

答案 2 :(得分:10)

截至2017年10月,当您右键单击Code-> Branches下的分支时,您将看到此菜单。点击比较分支。

enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:1)

如果要在Visual Studio 2017或更高版本中比较两个不同的分支,则可以通过在“查看历史记录”窗口中查看两个不同的提交时使用“比较提交”功能来执行此操作单个分支。但是,很明显的问题是,其中一个分支必须包含另一个分支的头提交才能进行比较,并且在大多数情况下并非如此。幸运的是,有一个简单的方法可以完成此任务,方法是从一个分支创建一个新的临时分支,然后合并到另一个分支:

 git checkout -b temp-compare-branch branch-1-name --no-track
 git merge branch-2-name



git merge-base branch-1-name branch-2-name


答案 4 :(得分:-1)

如果使用Azure DevOps,则可以轻松完成此操作。 (我意识到这并不能真正回答问题,但我认为其他人可能会觉得有帮助。)

转到Azure DevOps中的存储库。转到分支。当您向右移动鼠标时,将出现一个椭圆。



Azure DevOps Branch Comparison Snip
