
时间:2016-05-08 02:08:56

标签: javascript

我正在尝试在这里创建一个新对象。 这是我的代码

function createAnObject(name, address) {
            var newObj = new Object();
            newObj.name = name;
            newObj.address = address;
            newObj.saySomething = function () {
                console.log("the name is" + this.name + " the addess is" + this.address)

        var ballack = createAnObject('ballack', 'Ndri');


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您忘记在import os def ensure_directory_exists(path_directory): if not os.path.exists(path_directory): os.makedirs(path_directory) def os_path_separators(): seps = [] for sep in os.path.sep, os.path.altsep: if sep: seps.append(sep) return seps def sanitise_filesystem_name(potential_file_path_name): # Sort out unicode characters valid_filename = normalize('NFKD', potential_file_path_name).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') # Replace path separators with underscores for sep in os_path_separators(): valid_filename = valid_filename.replace(sep, '_') # Ensure only valid characters valid_chars = "-_.() {0}{1}".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits) valid_filename = "".join(ch for ch in valid_filename if ch in valid_chars) # Ensure at least one letter or number to ignore names such as '..' valid_chars = "{0}{1}".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits) test_filename = "".join(ch for ch in potential_file_path_name if ch in valid_chars) if len(test_filename) == 0: # Replace empty file name or file path part with the following valid_filename = "(Empty Name)" return valid_filename def get_root_path(): # Replace with your own root file path, e.g. '/place/to/save/files/' filepath = get_file_root_from_config() filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) # ensure trailing path separator (/) if not any(filepath[-1] == sep for sep in os_path_separators()): filepath = '{0}{1}'.format(filepath, os.path.sep) ensure_directory_exists(filepath) return filepath def path_split_into_list(path): # Gets all parts of the path as a list, excluding path separators parts = [] while True: newpath, tail = os.path.split(path) if newpath == path: assert not tail if path and path not in os_path_separators(): parts.append(path) break if tail and tail not in os_path_separators(): parts.append(tail) path = newpath parts.reverse() return parts def sanitise_filesystem_path(potential_file_path): # Splits up a path and sanitises the name of each part separately path_parts_list = path_split_into_list(potential_file_path) sanitised_path = '' for path_component in path_parts_list: sanitised_path = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(sanitised_path, sanitise_filesystem_name(path_component), os.path.sep) return sanitised_path def check_if_path_is_under(parent_path, child_path): # Using the function to split paths into lists of component parts, check that one path is underneath another child_parts = path_split_into_list(child_path) parent_parts = path_split_into_list(parent_path) if len(parent_parts) > len(child_parts): return False return all(part1==part2 for part1, part2 in zip(child_parts, parent_parts)) def make_valid_file_path(path=None, filename=None): root_path = get_root_path() if path: sanitised_path = sanitise_filesystem_path(path) if filename: sanitised_filename = sanitise_filesystem_name(filename) complete_path = os.path.join(root_path, sanitised_path, sanitised_filename) else: complete_path = os.path.join(root_path, sanitised_path) else: if filename: sanitised_filename = sanitise_filesystem_name(filename) complete_path = os.path.join(root_path, sanitised_filename) else: complete_path = complete_path complete_path = os.path.abspath(complete_path) if check_if_path_is_under(root_path, complete_path): return complete_path else: return None 函数中退回newObj


答案 1 :(得分:0)


function createAnObject(name, address) {
  return {
    saySomething() { 
      console.log("the name is", this.name, "the address is", this.address);

var ballack = createAnObject('ballack', 'Ndri');

答案 2 :(得分:-1)


var date1 = new Date(), date2 = new Date(); // init vars
date1.compareTo(date2); // or

返回newObj;             };

function createAnObject(name, address) {
            var newObj = new Object();
            newObj.name = name;
            newObj.address = address;
            newObj.saySomething = function () {
                console.log("the name is" + this.name + " the addess is" + this.address)


答案 3 :(得分:-1)



return newObj;