set foldername =!foldername:\ =!批量重命名包含具有特定模式的文件的所有文件夹

时间:2016-05-08 04:34:06

标签: batch-file windows-xp


@echo off
REM Prefix zz_ to folders containing episodes with zz_
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
for /r "G:\itunes\Podcasts\" %%f in (zz_*.mp3) do (
   set N=%%~pf~
   set N=!N:\itunes\Podcasts\=!
   set N=!N:\=!
if exist %%f ren "g:%%~pf" "zz_!N!"

但是我收到了错误消息:进程无法访问该文件,因为它正由另一个进程使用。 无论如何,我不是一个程序员,只是一个剪辑和粘贴有点人,所以感谢您的帮助。

所以上面的问题当然是我在尝试递归目录时修改子目录(g:\ itunes \ podcasts)。因此,以下笨重的代码确实有效,但有一个例外。

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
REM Prefix zz_ to folders containing episodes with zz_
for /r "G:\itunes\Podcasts\" %%f in (zz_*.mp3) do (
   set foldername=%%~pf
   set foldername=!foldername:~17!
   set foldername=!foldername:\=!
   if exist %%f echo if exist %%f ren "g:%%~pf" "zz_!foldername!" >>g:\trash.bat
call g:\trash.bat
del g:\trash.bat



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


@echo off
REM Prefix zz_ to folders containing episodes with zz_
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
REM The following recurses g:\itunes\podcasts looking for zz_ podcasts
for /r "G:\itunes\Podcasts\" %%f in (zz_*.mp3) DO (
set "filename=%%f"
set "filepath=%%~pf"
set "foldername=%%~pf"
REM Delayed Expansion needed here for edits to file, path & folder names
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set filename2=!filename:%%=%%%%!
set filepath=!filepath:%%=%%%%!
set foldername=!foldername:~17!
set foldername=!foldername:\=!
set foldername=!foldername:%%=%%%%!
if exist "!filename!" echo if exist "!filename2!" ren "g:!filepath!" "zz_!foldername!" >>g:\trash.bat
REM trash.bat has its own issues with escaped characters
call g:\trash.bat
del g:\trash.bat
