
时间:2016-05-11 00:03:30

标签: android listview android-studio android-edittext android-handler





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对于第一部分,您实际上已在代码上执行此操作。我唯一不理解的是为什么你有boolean isDone?你试过删除它吗?如果您已经清除了EditText,即使它再次通过onTextChanged,它也不会再次通过第一个条件(这里我假设b的行为是清除a)的文字。

对于文本检查,我认为您可以使用androids TextUtils.equals()

TextUtils.equals(s, "open voice command");



第一次活动开始时,当您输入"打开语音命令"在EditText a中,系统会自动点击Button b并继续开始活动,并且必须清除EditText a。回到包含EditText aButton b的活动,您希望EditText a onTextChangeListener仍然有效。


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    EditText a;
    Button b;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Initialize Views
        a = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.a);
        b = (Button) findViewById(R.id.b);

        // Initialize listeners
        a.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
            public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

            public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
                if (TextUtils.equals(s, "open voice command")) {
                    Log.d("SAMPLE", ">>>>>>> Running handler!....");
                    Handler handler = new Handler();
                    handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                    }, 500);


            public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

        b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SampleActivity.class);



当我输入&#34;打开语音命令&#34; EditText a中的performClick()会自动清除,并为Button b调用EditText a。我回到活动后。没有任何事情发生,处理程序无法运行,因为import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.speech.RecognitionListener; import android.speech.SpeechRecognizer; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; public class PocketSphinxActivity extends Activity implements RecognitionListener { private static final String KWS_SEARCH = "wakeup"; /* Keyword we are looking for to activate menu */ private static final String KEYPHRASE = "open voice command"; //adjust this keyphrase! private SpeechRecognizer recognizer; private HashMap<String, Integer> captions; ListView lv; TextView tv; EditText a; Button b; Button c; Boolean isDone = false; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle state) { super.onCreate(state); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Prepare the data for UI // captions = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // captions.put(KWS_SEARCH, R.string.kws_caption); // ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.caption_text)) // .setText("Preparing the recognizer"); // lv = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.lvVoiceReturn); // tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.result_text); a = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.a); b = (Button) findViewById(R.id.b); // c = (Button) findViewById(R.id.Blogin); // Recognizer initialization is a time-consuming and it involves IO, // so we execute it in async task // new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Exception>() { // @Override // protected Exception doInBackground(Void... params) { // try { // Assets assets = new Assets(PocketSphinxActivity.this); // File assetDir = assets.syncAssets(); // setupRecognizer(assetDir); // } catch (IOException e) { // return e; // } // return null; // } // // @Override // protected void onPostExecute(Exception result) { // if (result != null) { // ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.caption_text)) // .setText("Failed to init recognizer " + result); // } else { // switchSearch(KWS_SEARCH); // } // } // }.execute(); //line added...///////////////////////// a.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { if (s.toString().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("open voice command")) { // //Do your stuff here OR button.performClick() // //DELAY Handler handler = new Handler(); handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isDone) { b.performClick(); isDone = true; } } }, 500); } } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } }); //////////////////////////////////////// } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); // recognizer.cancel(); // recognizer.shutdown(); } /** * In partial result we get quick updates about current hypothesis. In * keyword spotting mode we can react here, in other modes we need to wait * for final result in onResult. */ // @Override // public void onPartialResult(Hypothesis hypothesis) { // if (hypothesis == null) // return; // // String text = hypothesis.getHypstr(); // //((TextView) findViewById(R.id.result_text)).setText(text); // ((EditText) findViewById(R.id.TFusername)).setText(text); // } /** * This callback is called when we stop the recognizer. */ // @Override // public void onResult(Hypothesis hypothesis) { // //((TextView) findViewById(R.id.result_text)).setText(""); // ((EditText) findViewById(R.id.TFusername)).setText(""); // if (hypothesis != null) { // String text = hypothesis.getHypstr(); // makeText(getApplicationContext(), text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // // // //a.setText((String) tv.getText()); // //tv = TextView.getText().toString(); // } // } /** * We stop recognizer here to get a final result */ @Override public void onEndOfSpeech() { // if (!recognizer.getSearchName().equals(KWS_SEARCH)) // switchSearch(KWS_SEARCH); } private void switchSearch(String searchName) { // recognizer.stop(); // // // If we are not spotting, start listening with timeout (10000 ms or 10 seconds). // if (searchName.equals(KWS_SEARCH)) // recognizer.startListening(searchName); // else // recognizer.startListening(searchName, 10000); // // String caption = getResources().getString(captions.get(searchName)); // ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.caption_text)).setText(caption); } private void setupRecognizer(File assetsDir) throws IOException { // The recognizer can be configured to perform multiple searches // of different kind and switch between them // recognizer = defaultSetup() // .setAcousticModel(new File(assetsDir, "en-us-ptm")) // .setDictionary(new File(assetsDir, "cmudict-en-us.dict")) // // // To disable logging of raw audio comment out this call (takes a lot of space on the device) // .setRawLogDir(assetsDir) // // // Threshold to tune for keyphrase to balance between false alarms and misses // .setKeywordThreshold(1e-45f) // // // Use context-independent phonetic search, context-dependent is too slow for mobile // .setBoolean("-allphone_ci", true) // // .getRecognizer(); // recognizer.addListener(this); /** In your application you might not need to add all those searches. * They are added here for demonstration. You can leave just one. */ // Create keyword-activation search. // recognizer.addKeyphraseSearch(KWS_SEARCH, KEYPHRASE); } // @Override // public void onError(Exception error) { // ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.caption_text)).setText(error.getMessage()); // } // @Override // public void onTimeout() { // switchSearch(KWS_SEARCH); // } //Assign button clicks to go to a new activity: public void onButtonClick_1(View v) { if (v.getId() == R.id.b) { String str_1 = a.getText().toString(); //Go to the relevant page if any part of the phrase or word entered in the 'EditText' field contains 'command' which is not case sensitive if (str_1.toLowerCase().contains("command")) { Intent userintent = new Intent(PocketSphinxActivity.this, Gvoice.class); startActivity(userintent); } else { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Incorrect Information", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } } //Added this to clear the 'open voice command' text when pressing back from a activity window //This at the moment seems to only work when typing the command, If I use speech to text to say'open voice command @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); isDone = false; a.setText(""); } } 的文本值为空。如果您输入&#34;打开语音命令&#34;。




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