
时间:2016-05-11 23:21:15

标签: c#

在以下示例中,我可以装箱 struct名为分数,然后取消装箱特定会员struct例如分子

using system;

struct fraction
       public int numerator;
       public int denominator;

class Program
        static void Main()
            fraction f1;
            f1.denominator = 100;
            f1.numerator = 10;
            object obj = f1;

            // initializing f2.
            fraction f2 = new fraction();
            // Or can unbox the obj to the f2 like this.
            f2 = (fraction)obj;
            // But if i want to only unbox the numerator member of the struct fraction boxed inside the obj Something like this will not work
            f2.numerator = (fraction)obj.numerator;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



答案 1 :(得分:1)



fraction f2 = new fraction();
fraction originalFraction = (fraction)obj;   // unbox the object
int numerator = originalFraction.numerator;  // access the field on the unboxed fraction
f2.numerator = numerator;

您可以使用object initialization将其缩短为一行,但最终它会执行与上述代码相同的操作:

fraction f2 = new fraction { numerator = ((fraction)obj).numerator };