
时间:2016-05-17 09:32:43

标签: javascript html css html-table


我尝试了几种方法,包括CSS和CSS + Javascript,但它们都很弱且不可靠,我可以通过更改演示中的标记轻松打破


  1. 如果列标题(thead > tr > th)的内容大于列的正文(tbody > tr > td)的内容且大于列的页脚内容({{1} })列应根据列标题

  2. 的大小调整大小
  3. 如果列的正文(tfoot > tr > td)的内容大于列标题的内容(tbody > tr > td)并且大于列的页脚内容({{1} })列应根据列主体的大小调整大小

  4. 如果列的页脚(thead > tr > th)的内容大于列标题(tfoot > tr > td)的内容并且大于列的正文内容({{1} })列应根据列的页脚大小

  5. 调整大小

    下面的tfoot > tr > td应该澄清这些情景:

    thead > tr > th

    我想要一个干净的(尽可能的)可靠的解决方案,它可以用于不同的场景,可能只有CSS,但是JavaScript也是可以的(vanilla和干净的JavaScript,而不是jQuery插件)。 我不关心旧的浏览器支持(拥有它或者至少可以获得可以在旧浏览器上优雅地降级的解决方案,但它是可选的)会很棒...我甚至可以接受使用tbody > tr > td s而不是表节点,如果最终解决方案按预期工作...所以在2016年,使用现代浏览器和CSS这可能是某种方式?!




    我提出了这个解决方案:https://codepen.io/daveoncode/pen/LNomBE 但我仍然不是100%满意。主要问题是我无法为页眉和页脚单元格设置不同的背景。



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

您可以通过使用表格的包装器(div)来实现您想要的效果,并使tr theadtfoot成为position:absolute < / p>

body {
  margin: 0

div {
  max-height: 500px;
  overflow-y: auto;

table {
  width: 100%

thead tr,
tfoot tr {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 15px;
  /* to not cover the scrollbar*/
  background: red

thead th,
tfoot td {
  display: inline-block;

thead tr {
  top: 0

tfoot tr {
  top: 500px/* same value has max-height from div */

td {
  width: calc((100%/3) - 5px);
  font-size: 12px;
  text-align: center

/*give some space between thead and tfoot*/

tbody tr:first-of-type td {
  padding-top: 35px;

tbody tr:last-of-type td {
  padding-bottom: 35px;
        <th>Header one *leads the width* (case 1)</th>
        <th>Header two</th>
        <th>Header three</th>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Column one</td>
        <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
        <td>Column three</td>
        <td>Footer one</td>
        <td>Footer two</td>
        <td>Footer three *leads the width* (case 3)</td>

答案 1 :(得分:3)



<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="container">
            Header one *leads the width* (case 1)
            <div class="c1">
              Header one *leads the width* (case 1)
            Header two
            <div class="c2">
              Header two
            Header three
            <div class="c3">
              Header three
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three [first]</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three</td>
          <td>Column one</td>
          <td>Column two *leads the width* (case 2)</td>
          <td>Column three [LATEST]</td>
            Footer one
            <div class="c1">
              Footer one
            Footer two
            <div class="c2">Footer two</div>
            Footer three *leads the width* (case 3)
            <div class="c3">Footer three *leads the width* (case 3)</div>


$shipmentCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_shipment_collection')

适用于Chrome,Firefox,Safari和IE11(我不知道它在旧版浏览器中的表现如何)。 在codepen上看到它:https://codepen.io/daveoncode/pen/LNomBE

答案 2 :(得分:1)


这是简单的逻辑,我们可以在示例下方使用表头put position:sticky 方法:

table th { position:sticky; top:0; }

谢谢! :)

答案 3 :(得分:-7)

          url: "upload.php",
          type: "POST",
          data: fd,
          processData: false,  // tell jQuery not to process the data
          contentType: false   // tell jQuery not to set contentType
        }).done(function( data ) {
            console.log("PHP Output:");
            console.log( data );
        return false;