Is it possible to use other variable names in Realm?

时间:2016-05-17 11:14:13

标签: android realm

I would like to parse a JSON object and map it to a RealmObject directly using the method createObjectFromJson. My JSON is looking like that:

"data": {
  "default": "a string"

So I make a RealmObject class like this

public class Data extends RealmObject{
  private String default;

So I can call the method

realm.createObjectFromJson(Data.class, json);

Obviously the problem here is that I cannot use the keyword default to name my variable. Is there any way to annotate my variable in Realm to use an alias ? I'm aware that I can modify my input JSON but the aim is not to do it so I can have a generic method to map my JSON to a RealmObject.

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