
时间:2016-05-18 23:07:48

标签: java lambda java-8 refactoring purely-functional


public Result nonPureMethod(String param1, String param2){
  this.current_status = "running";
  String s1 = step1(param1, param2);
  this.logger.log("About to do step 2, this could take while");
  String s2 = step2(s1);
  this.logger.log("Completed step 2");
  String s3 = step3(s2);
  if (this.UserPressedEmergencyStop){ this.current_status = "stopped"; return; }
  String s4 = step4(s3);
  this.current_status = "completed";
  return new Result(s4);


public static Result pureMethod(String param1, String param2){
  String s1 = step1(param1, param2);
  String s2 = step2(s1);
  String s3 = step3(s2);
  String s4 = step4(s3);
  return new Result(s4);


我目前正在使用Java 8,但我认为这个问题很普遍。到目前为止,我已经想到了解决这个问题的两种方法。首先,我可以将布尔值传递给方法:" runSideEffects"。如果为false,则跳过运行副作用的代码。另一种更灵活的解决方案是通过要求作为参数传递的lambda函数来改变函数,并调用它们而不是调用副作用。例如,像" void log(String msg)"可以作为参数传递。该方法的生产调用可以传递一个函数,该函数将消息写入记录器。其他调用可以传递一种方法,该方法在调用log(msg)时无效。这些解决方案都不是很好,这就是我向社区提出建议的原因。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public static Result pureMethod(
    String param1, String param2, Consumer<String>... optionalSteps) {
    if(optionalSteps.length>0) optionalSteps[0].accept(param1);
    String s1 = step1(param1, param2);
    if(optionalSteps.length>1) optionalSteps[1].accept(s1);
    String s2 = step2(s1);
    if(optionalSteps.length>2) optionalSteps[2].accept(s2);
    String s3 = step3(s2);
    if(optionalSteps.length>3) optionalSteps[3].accept(s3);
    String s4 = step4(s3);
    if(optionalSteps.length>4) optionalSteps[4].accept(s4);
    return new Result(s4);
public Result nonPureMethod(String param1, String param2) {
  return pureMethod(param1, param2, 
      arg -> this.current_status = "running",
      arg -> this.logger.log("About to do step 2, this could take while"),
      arg -> this.logger.log("Completed step 2"),
      s3  -> { this.notifyOtherObject(s3);
            if (this.UserPressedEmergencyStop) {
                this.current_status = "stopped";
                throw new RuntimeException("stopped");
      s4  -> { this.current_status = "completed"; this.saveFile(s4); });

这里引人注目的是这些可选行动的共同之处。上面的代码片段接受某些操作不会使用提供的参数,对于第一个操作,两个参数中的一个是任意选择的。替代方案是使用BiConsumer,要求所有其他操作携带未使用的参数。但这里最糟糕的罪犯是在第四次行动中通过例外终止。一个干净的解决方案是使用返回boolean的函数类型来确定是否继续,但这会强制所有操作也返回boolean,例如将arg -> this.current_status = "running"之类的简单lambda表达式转换为arg -> { this.current_status = "running"; return true; }等等。


将行动分类并创建不同的参数可能会有所帮助,例如: a Logger,状态更新程序和提前终止谓词,例如

public static Result pureMethod(String param1, String param2,
        Logger logger, ObjIntConsumer<String> statusUpdater, IntPredicate cont) {
    statusUpdater.accept(null, 0);
    String s1 = step1(param1, param2);
    statusUpdater.accept(s1, 1);
    if(!cont.test(1)) return null;
    logger.log("About to do step 2, this could take while");
    String s2 = step2(s1);
    statusUpdater.accept(s2, 2);
    if(!cont.test(2)) return null;
    logger.log("Completed step 2");
    String s3 = step3(s2);
    statusUpdater.accept(s3, 3);
    if(!cont.test(3)) return null;
    String s4 = step4(s3);
    statusUpdater.accept(s4, 4);
    return new Result(s4);
public static Result pureMethod(String param1, String param2) {
    Logger logger=Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
    return pureMethod(param1, param2, logger, (s,i)->{}, i->true);
public Result nonPureMethod(String param1, String param2) {
    return pureMethod(param1, param2, this.logger,
        (s,i)-> { switch (i) {
            case 0: this.current_status = "running"; break;
            case 3: this.notifyOtherObject(s); break;
            case 4: this.current_status = "completed"; this.saveFile(s); break;
        }}, i -> {
            if(i==3 && this.UserPressedEmergencyStop) {
                this.current_status = "stopped";
                return false;
            else return true;


答案 1 :(得分:1)

一个选项是将方法提取到每个步骤为空template method的类中,并为非纯版本覆盖它:

class Method {
    void beforeStart() {};
    void afterStep1(String result) {};
    void afterStep2(String result) {};
    void afterStep3(String result) {};
    void afterStep4(String result) {};

    final Result execute(String param1, String param2) {
        String s1 = step1(param1, param2);
        String s2 = step2(s1);
        String s3 = step3(s2);
        String s4 = step4(s3);
        return new Result(s4);


答案 2 :(得分:0)



package foo;

import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class SideEffects{
  public static void main(String args[]){
    System.out.println("Calling logic as a pure function");
    String result = logic("param1", "param2", null, null, null, null, null);
    System.out.println("Result is "+result);

    System.out.println("Calling logic as a regular function");
    result = logic("param1", "param2",
        (level,msg)->{System.out.println("LOG ["+level+"]["+msg+"]");},
        (status)->{System.out.println("Current status set to: "+status); },
        (obj)->{System.out.println("Called notify message on object: "+obj.toString());},
        ()->{boolean dbLookupResult = false; return dbLookupResult;},
        (info)->{System.out.println("Info written to file [["+info+"]]");}
    System.out.println("Result is "+result);

  public static String logic(String param1, String param2,
      BiConsumer<String, String> log,
      Consumer<String> setStatus,
      Consumer<Object> notify,
      BooleanSupplier eStop,
      Consumer<String> saveFile){
  if (setStatus != null){ setStatus.accept("running"); }
  String s1 = param1+"::"+param2;
  if (log != null){ log.accept("INFO", "About to do Step 2, this could take awhile"); }
  String s2 = s1+"::step2";
  if (log != null){ log.accept("INFO", "Completed step 2"); }
  String s3 = s2+"::step3";
  if (notify != null) { notify.accept("randomobjectnotify"); }
  if (eStop != null && eStop.getAsBoolean()){
    if (setStatus != null){ setStatus.accept("stopped"); }
    return "stoppedresult";
  String s4 = s3+"::step4";
  if (setStatus != null){ setStatus.accept("completed"); }
  if (saveFile!= null){ saveFile.accept("Logic completed for params "+param1+"::"+param2); }
  return s4;

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

我相信你可以而不是让它分别使用结果变量将它们分成一个步骤     `

public int Steps(int param1,int param2){
//whatever you want your first step to do make result into a variable
int param3 = param1-param2;

//Same with step 2 ,3 and so on
int param4 = param3*param1;


答案 4 :(得分:-1)


public class MethodPipeline<T, I, R> {
    private final MethodPipeline<T, ?, I> prev;
    private final int kind;
    private final Function<? extends I, ? extends R> f;
    private final Runnable r;
    private final Consumer<? extends R> c;
    private MethodPipeline(Function<? extends I, ? extends R> l, MethodPipeline<? extends T, ?, ? extends I> prev) {
        kind = 0;
        f = l;
        r = null;
        c = null;
        this.prev = prev;
    private MethodPipeline(Runnable l, MethodPipeline<? extends T, ?, ? extends I> prev) {
        kind = 1;
        f = null;
        r = l;
        c = null;
        this.prev = prev;
    private MethodPipeline(Consumer<? extends R> l, MethodPipeline<? extends T, ?, ? extends I> prev) {
        kind = 2;
        f = null;
        r = null;
        c = l;
        this.prev = prev;
    //...various public consructor
    public <R1> MethodPipeline<T, R, R1> then(Function<? extends R, ? extends R1> convertor) {
        return new MethodPipeline<>(convertor, this);
    public MethodPipeline<T, I, R> sideEffect(Runnable sideEffect) {
        return new MethodPipeline<>(sideEffect, this);
    public MethodPipeline<T, I, R> sideEffect(Consumer<? extnds R> sideEffect) {
        return new MethodPipeline<>( sideEffect, this);
    public R run(T param, boolean sideEffect) {
        I v = prev.run(param);
        switch (kind) {
        case 0:
            return f.apply(v);
        case 1:
            if (sideEffect)
            return v;
        case 2:
            if (sideEffect)
            return v;


