C#Nullable <t>查询理解 - &#34;表达式始终为真&#34;警告

时间:2016-05-19 13:13:47

标签: c# linq resharper monads


public static void Test()
    var z1 =
        from x in 5.Nullable()
        from y in 6.Nullable()
        select x + y;

    var z2 =
        from x in 3.Nullable()
        from y in default(DateTime?)
        select y.Month == x;

    var result =
        from x in z1
        from y in z2
        select x == 11 && !y;

    Console.WriteLine(result.HasValue // <-- this expression is "always true"
        ? result.Value.ToString()
        : "computation failed");



public static T? Nullable<T>(this T x)
    where T : struct 
    return x;

public static U? Select<T, U>(this T? n, Func<T, U> f)
    where T : struct
    where U : struct
    return n.HasValue
        ? f(n.Value)
        : default(U?);

public static U? SelectMany<T, U>(this T? n, Func<T, U?> f)
    where T : struct
    where U : struct
    return n.HasValue
        ? f(n.Value)
        : default(U?);

public static V? SelectMany<T, U, V>(this T? n, Func<T, U?> f, Func<T, U, V> g)
    where T : struct
    where U : struct
    where V : struct
    if (!n.HasValue) return default(V?);

    var u = f(n.Value);
    return u.HasValue
        ? g(n.Value, u.Value)
        : default(V?);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


var z1 =
    from x in default(int?)
    from y in 6.Nullable()
    select x + y;

if (z1.HasValue)


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enter image description here


(供将来参考,it has been submitted by the OP to the issue tracker。)
