VBA循环目录 - 存储结果&排序 - 使用数组?

时间:2016-05-23 17:33:34

标签: arrays vba loops



        Sub LoopFiles()

        Dim strFolder As String
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim strDirRef As String

        strFolder = "C:\Users\T400\Documents\MacroCROtest\"
        strFile = "*Test*"    ''''criteria / partial file name
        strDirRef = Dir(strFolder & strFile)

    Do While Len(strDirRef) > 0

    Debug.Print FileDateTime(strFolder & strDirRef) & " " & strFolder & strDirRef
'> OUTPUT = 5/23/16 10:25:59 AM   C:\Users\T400\Documents\MacroCROtest\TEST 1.pdf

        strDirRef = Dir


        End Sub

我现在需要一种存储结果的方法 - 然后需要按日期排序。我只期望在运行代码时选择4-5个文件,并且不确定是否应该(需要?)将这些存储在数组中,或者是否可以存储在一系列字符串中。我试图找出如何将返回的数据分配给下面显示的代码变体的字符串 - 但无法开始工作。

Do While Len(strDirRef) > 0 
  i = i + 1  
strFound(i) = strDirRef


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Sub LoopFiles()

Dim strFolder As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strDirRef As String
Dim nFiles As Long, i As Long
Dim strFound() As String

strFolder = "C:\Users\T400\Documents\MacroCROtest\"
strFile = "*Test*"    ''''criteria / partial file name

strDirRef = Dir(strFolder & strFile)    
Do While Len(strDirRef) > 0    
    nFiles = nFiles + 1
    ReDim Preserve strFound(1 To nFiles)
    strFound(nFiles) = strDirRef
    strDirRef = Dir

For i = 1 To nFiles
    MsgBox strFound(i)
Next i    

End Sub

Sub LoopFiles2()

Dim strFolder As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strDirRef As String
Dim nFiles As Long
Dim strFoundStr As String
Dim strFoundArr As Variant
Dim strElem As Variant

strFolder = "C:\Users\T400\Documents\MacroCROtest\"
strFile = "*Test*"    ''''criteria / partial file name

strDirRef = Dir(strFolder & strFile)    
Do While Len(strDirRef) > 0

    strFoundStr = strFoundStr & strDirRef & " "
    strDirRef = Dir


strFoundArr = Split(Trim(strFoundStr)) '<~~ use Split() function to return an array fo strings

For Each strElem In strFoundArr
    MsgBox strElem
Next strElem

End Sub

对于排序数组,那里有很多代码:只是google it
