
时间:2016-05-25 11:02:50

标签: c windows networking driver ndis

我有一个过滤器(轻量级过滤器,LWF)驱动程序,可以捕获来自所有适配器的数据包。 FilterClasscompression,与官方ndislwf示例相同。此设置会将过滤器绑定在Native Wifi Filter上方。

但是,此FilterClass只能捕获无线适配器上的以太网数据包。所以我希望它能够在无线适配器上捕获原始的802.11数据包。所以我需要在INF中将FilterClass指定为ms_medium_converter_128。此设置会将过滤器绑定在Native Wifi Filter下方。

所以我现在需要两个司机。一个是compression,另一个是ms_medium_converter_128。但我不想维护两个驱动程序的代码,让我的用户安装两个驱动程序。有没有办法将两个LWF混合成一个二进制文件(只需要一次安装)?或者有没有办法让一个LWF能够同时在Native Wifi Filter之上和之下绑定?谢谢!

这是我的整个INF与compression FilterClass:

; NPF.INF -- Npcap NDIS 6.x LightWeight Filter Driver
; Copyright (c) 2015, Insecure.Com LLC.  All rights reserved.
Signature       = "$Windows NT$"
Class           = NetService
ClassGUID       = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
CatalogFile     =
Provider        = %Insecure%


%NPF_Desc%=Install, INSECURE_NPF

%NPF_Desc%=Install, INSECURE_NPF

%NPF_Desc%=Install, INSECURE_NPF

; Installation Section
Copyfiles = npf.copyfiles.sys





; Ndi installation support
HKR, Ndi,Service,,%NPF_DriverName%
HKR, Ndi,CoServices,0x00010000,%NPF_DriverName%
HKR, Ndi,HelpText,,%NPF_HelpText%
HKR, Ndi,FilterClass,, compression

; For a Monitoring filter, use this:
;     HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001, 1 ; Monitoring filter
; For a Modifying filter, use this:
;     HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001, 2 ; Modifying filter
HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001,2

HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,UpperRange, , noupper
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange, , "ndis5,ndis4"

; TODO: Ensure that the list of media types below is correct.  Typically,
; filters include "ethernet".  Filters may also include "ppip" to include
; native WWAN stacks, but you must be prepared to handle the packet framing.
; Possible values are listed on MSDN, but common values include:
;     ethernet, wan, ppip, wlan
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, FilterMediaTypes,,"ethernet, fddi, wan, ppip, wlan, bluetooth, ndis5, vwifi, flpp4, flpp6, vchannel, nolower"

; For a Mandatory filter, use this:
;     HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 1 ; Mandatory filter
; For an Optional filter, use this:
;     HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 2 ; Optional filter
HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 2 ; Optional filter

; By default, Mandatory filters unbind all protocols when they are
; installed/uninstalled, while Optional filters merely pause the stack.  If you
; would like to override this behavior, you can include these options.  These
; options only take effect with 6.30 filters on Windows "8" or later.
; To prevent a full unbind, and merely pause/restart protocols:
;     HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnAttach,0x00010001, 0 ; Do not unbind during FilterAttach
;     HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnDetach,0x00010001, 0 ; Do not unbind during FilterDetach
; To force a full unbind/bind (which includes pause/restart, of course):
;     HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnAttach,0x00010001, 1 ; Unbind during FilterAttach
;     HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnDetach,0x00010001, 1 ; Unbind during FilterDetach

; Service installation support

DisplayName     = %NPF_Desc%
ServiceType     = 1 ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType       = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl    = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary   = %12%\%NPF_DriverName%.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS
Description     = %NPF_Desc%
AddReg          = Common.Params.reg, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions.reg

DelService=%NPF_DriverName%,0x200 ; SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE


; By default, when an LBFO team or Bridge is created, all filters will be
; unbound from the underlying members and bound to the TNic(s). This keyword
; allows a component to opt out of the default behavior
; To prevent binding this filter to the TNic(s):
;   HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,1 ; Do not bind to TNic
; To prevent unbinding this filter from underlying members:
;   HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,2 ; Do not unbind from Members
; To prevent both binding to TNic and unbinding from members:
;   HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,3 ; Do not bind to TNic or unbind from Members
HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,0 ; Subscribe to default behavior

NPF_DriverName = "npf"
Insecure = "Nmap Project"
NPF_Desc = "Npcap Packet Driver (NPCAP)"
NPF_HelpText = "A NDIS 6 filter driver & WFP callout driver to support packet capturing and sending under Windows 7, 8 & 10"

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