
时间:2016-06-01 10:34:31

标签: c++ pdf podofo


我在http://podofo.sourceforge.net/download.html找到了podofo源代码,我在Windows 7 x86上编译了它,我发现podofo的功能非常强大。

但是当我在示例" helloworld.cpp"中更改某些内容时,只需更改一些代码,即修改pdf文档并将其保存为其他文件名!

当我将本地pdf文档文件(本地pdf文档从Office文档2007中使用Windows COM界面的Word文档保存)保存到函数中时,新文件输出成功,但输出文本是垂直翻转的,输出文本的Y位是垂直翻转的。




奇怪的是,当我通过文件“output.pdf"由例子" helloworld"创建



#define MEMDOCUMENT 1 // macro switch  
void HelloWorld( const char* pszFilename ) 
     * PdfStreamedDocument is the class that can actually write a PDF file.
     * PdfStreamedDocument is much faster than PdfDocument, but it is only
     * suitable for creating/drawing PDF files and cannot modify existing
     * PDF documents.
     * The document is written directly to pszFilename while being created.
     PdfMemDocument document( pszFilename ); //open local pdf documet
     PdfStreamedDocument document( pszFilename ); //create a new pdf documet
     * PdfPainter is the class which is able to draw text and graphics
     * directly on a PdfPage object.
    PdfPainter painter;

     * This pointer will hold the page object later. 
     * PdfSimpleWriter can write several PdfPage's to a PDF file.
    PdfPage* pPage;

     * A PdfFont object is required to draw text on a PdfPage using a PdfPainter.
     * PoDoFo will find the font using fontconfig on your system and embedd truetype
     * fonts automatically in the PDF file.
    PdfFont* pFont;

    try {
         * The PdfDocument object can be used to create new PdfPage objects.
         * The PdfPage object is owned by the PdfDocument will also be deleted automatically
         * by the PdfDocument object.
         * You have to pass only one argument, i.e. the page size of the page to create.
         * There are predefined enums for some common page sizes.
        pPage = document.GetPage(0); //get the first page and modify it
        pPage = document.CreatePage( PdfPage::CreateStandardPageSize( ePdfPageSize_A4 ) );
         * If the page cannot be created because of an error (e.g. ePdfError_OutOfMemory )
         * a NULL pointer is returned.
         * We check for a NULL pointer here and throw an exception using the RAISE_ERROR macro.
         * The raise error macro initializes a PdfError object with a given error code and
         * the location in the file in which the error ocurred and throws it as an exception.
        if( !pPage ) 
            PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_InvalidHandle );

         * Set the page as drawing target for the PdfPainter.
         * Before the painter can draw, a page has to be set first.
        painter.SetPage( pPage );

         * Create a PdfFont object using the font "Arial".
         * The font is found on the system using fontconfig and embedded into the
         * PDF file. If Arial is not available, a default font will be used.
         * The created PdfFont will be deleted by the PdfDocument.
        pFont = document.CreateFont( "Arial" );

         * If the PdfFont object cannot be allocated return an error.
        if( !pFont )
            PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_InvalidHandle );

         * Set the font size
        pFont->SetFontSize( 18.0 );

         * Set the font as default font for drawing.
         * A font has to be set before you can draw text on
         * a PdfPainter.
        painter.SetFont( pFont );

         * You could set a different color than black to draw
         * the text.
         * SAFE_OP( painter.SetColor( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );

         * Actually draw the line "Hello World!" on to the PdfPage at
         * the position 2cm,2cm from the top left corner. 
         * Please remember that PDF files have their origin at the 
         * bottom left corner. Therefore we substract the y coordinate 
         * from the page height.
         * The position specifies the start of the baseline of the text.
         * All coordinates in PoDoFo are in PDF units.
         * You can also use PdfPainterMM which takes coordinates in 1/1000th mm.


        painter.DrawText( 56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 56.69, "Hello World!" );

        painter.DrawText( 56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 96.69, "Hello World!" );

         * Tell PoDoFo that the page has been drawn completely.
         * This required to optimize drawing operations inside in PoDoFo
         * and has to be done whenever you are done with drawing a page.

         * Set some additional information on the PDF file.
        document.GetInfo()->SetCreator ( PdfString("examplahelloworld - A PoDoFo test application") );
        document.GetInfo()->SetAuthor  ( PdfString("Dominik Seichter") );
        document.GetInfo()->SetTitle   ( PdfString("Hello World") );
        document.GetInfo()->SetSubject ( PdfString("Testing the PoDoFo PDF Library") );
        document.GetInfo()->SetKeywords( PdfString("Test;PDF;Hello World;") );

         * The last step is to close the document.

        document.Write("outputex.pdf"); //save page change

    } catch ( const PdfError & e ) {
         * All PoDoFo methods may throw exceptions
         * make sure that painter.FinishPage() is called
         * or who will get an assert in its destructor
        try {
        } catch( ... ) {
             * Ignore errors this time

        throw e;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


问题是因为Reflection effect.podofo源代码有变换矩阵,你可以在pdf文档上添加文本或行之前更改它。

添加如下代码: //

        painter.SetTransformationMatrix(1,0,0,-1,0,pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight()); // set Reflection effect

        painter.DrawText( 56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 56.69, "Hello World!" );

        painter.DrawText( 56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 96.69, "Hello World!"

答案 1 :(得分:0)


1 0 0 -1 0 841 cm

根据我的观察,这似乎很常见,存在于由多个程序生成的PDF中。还有许多PDF根本不包含此内容。我怀疑这完全是由于在cairo 1.15.4中提交1e07ce,请参阅https://cairographics.org/releases/ChangeLog.cairo-1.15.4

棘手的部分是此命令在任何q(保存转换),Q(恢复转换)命令之前,因此无法使用简单的{{返回已知转换1}}。换句话说,返回已知变换的唯一方法是解析页面内容流并查看Q / q对之前的变换。然后,一旦知道了这种变换,就可以在任何新内容叠加到现有内容之前应用逆变换。



其中PoDoFo::PdfPage* page = ...; PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer tokenizer(page); const char* token = NULL; PoDoFo::PdfVariant param; PoDoFo::EPdfContentsType type; std::vector<PoDoFo::PdfVariant> params; double tf_a = 1, tf_c = 0, tf_e = 0; double tf_b = 0, tf_d = 1, tf_f = 0; //0 //0 //1 while(tokenizer.ReadNext(type, token, param)){ //Command if(type == PoDoFo::ePdfContentsType_Keyword){ //First Save at page, we assume that it will eventually be paired with enough Restores to go back to the current transform if(strcmp(token, "q") == 0) break; //Transform before first q, must apply the inverse when overlaying dots else if(strcmp(token, "cm") == 0){ if(params.size() == 6){ tf_a = params[0].GetReal(); tf_b = params[1].GetReal(); tf_c = params[2].GetReal(); tf_d = params[3].GetReal(); tf_e = params[4].GetReal(); tf_f = params[5].GetReal(); invertTransform(tf_a, tf_b, tf_c, tf_d, tf_e, tf_f); } else std::cout << "Warning! Found transform before first q at page with wrong number of arguments!" << std::endl; } else std::cout << "Warning! Unrelated command at page before first q: " << token << std::endl; params.clear(); } //Parameter for command else if(type == PoDoFo::ePdfContentsType_Variant) params.push_back(param); } 是一个小实用函数:


然后,可以应用逆变换(只有在第一个void invertTransform(double& a, double& b, double& c, double& d, double& e, double& f){ double m_11 = a, m_12 = c, m_13 = e; double m_21 = b, m_22 = d, m_23 = f; //m_31 = 0.0, m_32 = 0.0, m_33 = 1.0; double det = m_11*(/*m_33**/m_22 /*- m_32*m_23*/) - m_21*(/*m_33**/m_12/* - m_32*m_13*/) /*+ m_31*(m_23*m_12 - m_22*m_13)*/; if(abs(det) < 1e-10){ a = 1; c = 0; e = 0; b = 0; d = 1; f = 0; //0 //0 //1 } else{ double det_1 = 1.0/det; a = det_1*( /*m_33**/m_22 /*- m_32*m_23*/); c = det_1*(-/*m_33**/m_12 /*+ m_32*m_13*/); e = det_1*( m_23*m_12 - m_22*m_13); b = det_1*(-/*m_33**/m_21 /*+ m_31*m_23*/); d = det_1*( /*m_33**/m_11 /*- m_31*m_13*/); f = det_1*(-m_23*m_11 + m_21*m_13); //det_1*( m_32*m_21 - m_31*m_22) det_1*(-m_32*m_11 + m_31*m_12) det_1*( m_22*m_11 - m_21*m_12) } } 之前没有cm时才识别)并且可以在页面上绘制内容:


当然,整个解决方案假定在第一个PoDoFo::PdfPainter painter; painter.SetPage(page); painter.Save(); painter.SetTransformationMatrix(tf_a, tf_b, tf_c, tf_d, tf_e, tf_f); /* painter.Draw...() */ painter.Restore(); painter.FinishPage(); 之前可能只有一个cm转换而没有其他转换。
