碰撞反应 - 身体在穿透另一个身体时暂时消失

时间:2016-06-06 04:38:00

标签: javascript html5 canvas game-physics

基于an answer to a previous question of mine about angular velocity,我修改了给定的演示并实现了分离轴定理(碰撞检测)以及基本的线性脉冲分辨率。 (here's the JSFiddle)。但是,响应存在一个小问题。


let aVel = [a.dx, a.dy];
let bVel = [b.dx, b.dy];
const invA = a.static ? 0 : 1 / a.mass;
const invB = b.static ? 0 : 1 / b.mass;
const relativeVel = Sub(bVel, aVel);
const velAlongNorm = DotProduct(relativeVel, data.unit);

if (velAlongNorm > 0)

const cor = a.cor * b.cor;
let _j = -(1 + cor) * velAlongNorm;

_j /= invA + invB;

const impulse = ScalarMultiply(data.unit, _j);

aVel = Sub(aVel, ScalarMultiply(impulse, invA));

bVel = Add(bVel, ScalarMultiply(impulse, invB));

a.dx = aVel[0];
a.dy = aVel[1];

b.dx = bVel[0];
b.dy = bVel[1];

const percent = 0.2;
const slop = 0.01;
const correction = Math.max(data.overlap - slop, 0) / (invA + invB) * percent;
a.x -= invA * correction;
a.y -= invA * correction;
b.x += invB * correction;
b.y += invB * correction;

请注意,dxdy指的是机构的x和y分量。速度和COR分别指恢复系数。 (bounciness)invAinvB是反向质量。


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通过将碰撞法线乘以重叠来计算。 (AKA渗透,深度等)