Excel VBA:将列从工作簿复制到新工作簿

时间:2016-06-16 02:44:33

标签: excel vba excel-vba


  1. 从网站导出CSV(无需代码)
  2. 在Excel中打开CSV(无需代码)
  3. 自动删除某些列(已编码)
  4. 中有空白单元格的行
  5. 按特定顺序将特定列(忽略标题行)复制到另一个工作簿。
  6. 列顺序如下:(S1 =打开CSV || S2 =新工作簿)

    • S1.V = S2.A
    • S1.B = S2.D
    • S1.F = S2.V
    • S1.H = S2.X
    • S1.I = S2.J
    • S1.L = S2.B



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在做你需要的事情时需要考虑很多,我做了一些假设,如果它们不正确你需要编码: -

  • 目的地已存在
  • 目标在第1行上有标题但没有内容
  • 目标只是目标工作簿中的第一个工作表
  • 源标题行是第1行

示例代码: -

Public Sub Sample()
Dim StrDestPath As String
Dim WkBk_Dest   As Workbook
Dim WkBk_Src    As Workbook
Dim WkSht_Dest  As Worksheet
Dim WkSht_Src   As Worksheet

'A reference to the destination
StrDestPath = "C:\Users\Gary\Desktop\Destination.xlsx"

'Connect to the source
Set WkBk_Src = ThisWorkbook
Set WkSht_Src = WkBk_Src.Worksheets(1)

'See if the destination is open already
For Each WkBk_Dest In Application.Workbooks
    If WkBk_Dest.FullName = StrDestPath Then Exit For

'If it wasn't then open it
If WkBk_Dest Is Nothing Then
    Set WkBk_Dest = Application.Workbooks.Open(StrDestPath)
End If

'Connect to the destination
Set WkSht_Dest = WkBk_Dest.Worksheets(1)

'Per column mapping - Copy everythng from row 2 (assuming headers are on row 1 down to the last populated cell in that column
'and paste it into the required column in the destination
WkSht_Src.Range("V2:" & WkSht_Src.Range("V2").End(xlDown).Address).Copy WkSht_Dest.Range("A2")
WkSht_Src.Range("B2:" & WkSht_Src.Range("B2").End(xlDown).Address).Copy WkSht_Dest.Range("D2")
WkSht_Src.Range("F2:" & WkSht_Src.Range("F2").End(xlDown).Address).Copy WkSht_Dest.Range("V2")
WkSht_Src.Range("H2:" & WkSht_Src.Range("H2").End(xlDown).Address).Copy WkSht_Dest.Range("X2")
WkSht_Src.Range("I2:" & WkSht_Src.Range("I2").End(xlDown).Address).Copy WkSht_Dest.Range("J2")
WkSht_Src.Range("L2:" & WkSht_Src.Range("L2").End(xlDown).Address).Copy WkSht_Dest.Range("B2")

'Disconnect from destination worksheet
Set WkSht_Dest = Nothing

'save changes

'disconnect from destination workbook
Set WkBk_Dest = Nothing

'Disconnect from source
Set WkSht_Src = Nothing
Set WkBk_Src = Nothing

End Sub



答案 1 :(得分:1)




Option Explicit
Sub CopyColumnsToAnotherWB(sourceWS As Worksheet, targetWs As Worksheet, sourceCols As String, targetCols As String)
    Dim sourceColsArr As Variant, targetColsArr As Variant
    Dim iCol As Long, nCols As Long

    sourceColsArr = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(sourceCols), ",") '<--| make array out of string with delimiter
    targetColsArr = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(targetCols), ",") '<--| make array out of string with delimiter

    nCols = UBound(sourceColsArr) '<--| count columns number to copy/paste
    If nCols <> UBound(targetColsArr) Then Exit Sub  '<--| exit if the two columns list haven't the same number of columns
    With sourceWS
        For iCol = 0 To nCols '<--|loop through source sheet columns
            With .Cells(1, sourceColsArr(iCol)).Resize(.Cells(.Rows.Count, sourceColsArr(iCol)).End(xlUp).Row)
                targetWs.Columns(targetColsArr(iCol)).Resize(.Rows.Count).value = .value  '<--|paste values to corresponding target sheet column
            End With
        Next iCol
    End With
End Sub



Sub main()

    Dim sourceCols As String, targetCols As String

    sourceCols = "V,B,F,H,I,L"
    targetCols = "A,D,V,X,J,B"
    CopyColumnsToAnotherWB ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet, Workbooks("columntest").Worksheets("test"), sourceCols, targetCols

End Sub
