
时间:2016-06-21 09:27:30

标签: android google-search google-crawlers android-app-indexing google-app-indexing

我在应用程序索引中面临一个奇怪的问题。我们的Play商店APK使用旧版本的应用程序索引API,并且工作正常。应用已针对Google搜索结果编制索引。但是,在我迁移到fire base并更新App Indexing API之后,应用程序未在搜索结果中编入索引。我尝试过以下测试技术,但都在运行。

1. Testing a URL
2. Android Debug Bridge
3. Testing App Indexing API behavior
4. Android Studio -> run -> configuration test
5.  HTTP URL testing tool using bar code scanner app


1. Google App Indexing Test from Android Studio : 
    Error :
    Network error, please try later.
    1. Google cannot index this page using Google bot crawling.
    2.  Google cannot index this page using the App Indexing API.   


2. Preview Search Result on Android:
    Error :
   Getting : ERROR:Google can't find your URL in the index. Check for correct formatting and provide at least one HTTP/HTTPS scheme URL.  This is informed to server team. But they negleted it saying, even for other app urls, getting same error.





1. Test APK,  landing page(without uri), throws internal error
2. Test APK, app URI, no error -> showed deep linked story preview in the app

根据文档内部错误意味着: android:minSdkVersion must be at least 17 (in my AndroidManifest.xml is 15)或我的应用程序无法在x86硬件上运行(我不知道)并且相同的测试在Play商店版本中运行,没有任何错误。

Note : Auto Complete search is working


此外,In google App ->Phone Search -> my app is not listed.在列出我们的应用的设备中,搜索结果仅在这些设备上显示,当他们在测试APK时。但它在手机搜索中未列出应用的设备中不起作用。根据文档,默认情况下,它会在应用程序打开时列出。但不会发生在我的手机中。有没有办法手动启用它们?

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