
时间:2016-06-21 09:44:31

标签: ios swift enums

我刚刚创建了以下代码作为示例,我正在寻找一种方法从textfield.text获取类型为Month的值并将其分配给let bmonth:

enum Month {
    case January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

struct BirthDay {
    let day: Int
    let month: Month
    let year: Int

    func calculateWesternZodiac() {
        // some long code

    func calculateVedicZodiac() {
        // some long code

// Hardcoding the values

let myBirthday = BirthDay(day: 02, month: .February, year: 1980)

// values from input textField

let bday = Int(dayTextField.text)
let bmonth = Month(monthTextField.text) // I'm looking for the correct way  of doing this ! 
let byear = Int(yearTextField.text)

let yourBirthday = BirthDay(day: bday, month: bmonth, year: byear)


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