优化For循环 - R.

时间:2016-06-26 16:03:59

标签: r

如何更快地制作以下代码。到目前为止,P = 1(即一个循环)的整个过程大约需要15分钟。我知道问题应该是For循环,我已经阅读了几个相关的问题,但我无法理解它们是如何工作的。



for(i in 1:P)
  Source <- MITLinks[i,1]
  Target <- MITLinks[i,2]
  TOLTarget <- sum(!is.na(MITMatrix[Target,]))-1                  # TOLTarget would be the number of concepts for the target course 
  TOLSource <- sum(!is.na(MITMatrix[Source,]))-1
  for(q in 2:TOLSource)                                           # since the first coulmn is the courseID
    DD <- vector(length = R)
    ConceptIDSource <- MITMatrix[Source,q]
    counterq <- 1                                                 # counterq is a pointer to cell of vector DD that keep the corses from another university.
    for(c in 1:R)
      if(CALBinary[c,match(ConceptIDSource,BB)]==1)             # if(CALBinary[c,"ConceptIDSource"]==1)
        DD[counterq] <- c                                     # it is the courseID
        counterq <- counterq+1
    DD <- DD[ DD != 0 ]                                           # DD is a vector that keep all courses from another university hat share the same concepts as source course in the first university (MIT)
    for(j in 2:TOLTarget)                                         # Since the first coulmn is the courseID
      ZZ <- vector(length = R)
      ConceptIDTarget <- MITMatrix[Target,j]
      counter <- 1
      for(v in 1:R)
        if(CALBinary[v,match(ConceptIDTarget,BB)]==1)          #if(CALBinary[v,"ConceptIDTarget"]==1)
          ZZ[counter] <- v                                   # v is courseID
          counter <- counter+1
      ZZ <- ZZ[ ZZ != 0 ]                                        # delete the zero elements from the vector
      Jadval<- expand.grid(Source,Target,ConceptIDSource,ConceptIDTarget,DD,ZZ)
      Total<-rbind(Total,Jadval)                                 # to make all possible pair of the courses for the sorce and the target course

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


DD <- vector(length = R)
ConceptIDSource <- MITMatrix[Source,q]
counterq <- 1                                                 # counterq is a pointer to cell of vector DD that keep the corses from another university.
for(c in 1:R)
  if(CALBinary[c,match(ConceptIDSource,BB)]==1)             # if(CALBinary[c,"ConceptIDSource"]==1)
    DD[counterq] <- c                                     # it is the courseID
    counterq <- counterq+1
DD <- DD[ DD != 0 ]  


ConceptIDSource <- MITMatrix[Source,q]
CalBinaryBB <- CALBinary[,match(ConceptIDSource,BB)]


