Capybara:js => true导致测试失败

时间:2016-07-01 04:29:05

标签: javascript ruby-on-rails selenium capybara

我几天前开始使用Capybara,之前从未使用过Selenium。 我想看看我的测试如何在beowser中执行并使用它为gem #ifndef X265_LOWRES_H #define X265_LOWRES_H #include "primitives.h" #include "common.h" #include "picyuv.h" #include "mv.h" namespace X265_NS { // private namespace struct ReferencePlanes { ReferencePlanes() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(ReferencePlanes)); } pixel* fpelPlane[3]; pixel* lowresPlane[4]; PicYuv* reconPic; bool isWeighted; bool isLowres; intptr_t lumaStride; intptr_t chromaStride; struct { int weight; int offset; int shift; int round; } w[3]; pixel* getLumaAddr(uint32_t ctuAddr, uint32_t absPartIdx) { return fpelPlane[0] + reconPic->m_cuOffsetY[ctuAddr] + reconPic->m_buOffsetY[absPartIdx]; } pixel* getCbAddr(uint32_t ctuAddr, uint32_t absPartIdx) { return fpelPlane[1] + reconPic->m_cuOffsetC[ctuAddr] + reconPic->m_buOffsetC[absPartIdx]; } pixel* getCrAddr(uint32_t ctuAddr, uint32_t absPartIdx) { return fpelPlane[2] + reconPic->m_cuOffsetC[ctuAddr] + reconPic->m_buOffsetC[absPartIdx]; } /* lowres motion compensation, you must provide a buffer and stride for QPEL averaged pixels * in case QPEL is required. Else it returns a pointer to the HPEL pixels */ inline pixel *lowresMC(intptr_t blockOffset, const MV& qmv, pixel *buf, intptr_t& outstride) { if ((qmv.x | qmv.y) & 1) { int hpelA = (qmv.y & 2) | ((qmv.x & 2) >> 1); pixel *frefA = lowresPlane[hpelA] + blockOffset + (qmv.x >> 2) + (qmv.y >> 2) * lumaStride; int qmvx = qmv.x + (qmv.x & 1); int qmvy = qmv.y + (qmv.y & 1); int hpelB = (qmvy & 2) | ((qmvx & 2) >> 1); pixel *frefB = lowresPlane[hpelB] + blockOffset + (qmvx >> 2) + (qmvy >> 2) * lumaStride; primitives.pu[LUMA_8x8].pixelavg_pp(buf, outstride, frefA, lumaStride, frefB, lumaStride, 32); return buf; } else { outstride = lumaStride; int hpel = (qmv.y & 2) | ((qmv.x & 2) >> 1); return lowresPlane[hpel] + blockOffset + (qmv.x >> 2) + (qmv.y >> 2) * lumaStride; } } inline int lowresQPelCost(pixel *fenc, intptr_t blockOffset, const MV& qmv, pixelcmp_t comp) { if ((qmv.x | qmv.y) & 1) { ALIGN_VAR_16(pixel, subpelbuf[8 * 8]); int hpelA = (qmv.y & 2) | ((qmv.x & 2) >> 1); pixel *frefA = lowresPlane[hpelA] + blockOffset + (qmv.x >> 2) + (qmv.y >> 2) * lumaStride; int qmvx = qmv.x + (qmv.x & 1); int qmvy = qmv.y + (qmv.y & 1); int hpelB = (qmvy & 2) | ((qmvx & 2) >> 1); pixel *frefB = lowresPlane[hpelB] + blockOffset + (qmvx >> 2) + (qmvy >> 2) * lumaStride; primitives.pu[LUMA_8x8].pixelavg_pp(subpelbuf, 8, frefA, lumaStride, frefB, lumaStride, 32); return comp(fenc, FENC_STRIDE, subpelbuf, 8); } else { int hpel = (qmv.y & 2) | ((qmv.x & 2) >> 1); pixel *fref = lowresPlane[hpel] + blockOffset + (qmv.x >> 2) + (qmv.y >> 2) * lumaStride; return comp(fenc, FENC_STRIDE, fref, lumaStride); } } }; /* lowres buffers, sizes and strides */ struct Lowres : public ReferencePlanes { pixel *buffer[4]; int frameNum; // Presentation frame number int sliceType; // Slice type decided by lookahead int width; // width of lowres frame in pixels int lines; // height of lowres frame in pixel lines int leadingBframes; // number of leading B frames for P or I bool bScenecut; // Set to false if the frame cannot possibly be part of a real scenecut. bool bKeyframe; bool bLastMiniGopBFrame; /* lookahead output data */ int64_t costEst[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2][X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]; int64_t costEstAq[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2][X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]; int32_t* rowSatds[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2][X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]; int intraMbs[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]; int32_t* intraCost; uint8_t* intraMode; int64_t satdCost; uint16_t* lowresCostForRc; uint16_t(*lowresCosts[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2][X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]); int32_t* lowresMvCosts[2][X265_BFRAME_MAX + 1]; MV* lowresMvs[2][X265_BFRAME_MAX + 1]; uint32_t maxBlocksInRow; uint32_t maxBlocksInCol; /* used for vbvLookahead */ int plannedType[X265_LOOKAHEAD_MAX + 1]; int64_t plannedSatd[X265_LOOKAHEAD_MAX + 1]; int indB; int bframes; /* rate control / adaptive quant data */ double* qpAqOffset; // AQ QP offset values for each 16x16 CU double* qpCuTreeOffset; // cuTree QP offset values for each 16x16 CU int* invQscaleFactor; // qScale values for qp Aq Offsets uint32_t* blockVariance; uint64_t wp_ssd[3]; // This is different than SSDY, this is sum(pixel^2) - sum(pixel)^2 for entire frame uint64_t wp_sum[3]; uint64_t frameVariance; /* cutree intermediate data */ uint16_t* propagateCost; double weightedCostDelta[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]; ReferencePlanes weightedRef[X265_BFRAME_MAX + 2]; bool create(PicYuv *origPic, int _bframes, bool bAqEnabled); void destroy(); void init(PicYuv *origPic, int poc); }; } 。 我在Capybara有下一个测试:


RSpec.feature 'Authentication', :type => :feature do def register_with_form visit '/' click_on 'Account' click_on 'Register' fill_in 'Email', :with => '' fill_in 'Name', :with => 'John' fill_in 'Last name', :with => 'Smith' fill_in 'Password', :with => '1234567890' fill_in 'Password confirmation', :with => '1234567890' find('.testing-sign-up-class') click_button 'Sign up' expect(page).to have_css '.hd-title', 'Get Started' end scenario 'User registers' do register_with_form expect(page).to have_css '.hd-title', 'Get Started' expect(page).to have_css '.alert-success', 'Welcome! You have signed up successfully.' expect(page).to have_css '.panel-title', 'What would you like to use GridHub for?' end scenario 'User sign out', :js => true do register_with_form click_on 'Account' click_on 'Logout' expect(page).to have_css '.alert-success', 'Signed out successfully.' end end 添加到任何:js => true破解测试中。 控制台显示:


我添加了gem database_cleaner,我的 1) Authentication When not registered User sign out Failure/Error: click_button 'Sign up' Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: Element is not clickable at point (606, 23.73333740234375). Other element would receive the click: <input autocomplete="off" name="term" id="term" class="form-control nav-search-field main-ac autocomplete ui-autocomplete-input" placeholder="search items" data-url="/search" type="text"> 有下一个代码:


我的 config.before(:each, type: :feature) do driver_shares_db_connection_with_specs = Capybara.current_driver == :rack_test if !driver_shares_db_connection_with_specs DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation end end config.before(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.start end config.append_after(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.clean end 文件有下一行:




我认为浏览器中可能存在其他问题。在某些情况下,当测试打开浏览器时(因为我遇到了firefox和chrome),而某些元素可能会在“浏览器窗口下方”,在这种情况下测试失败,导致无法找到必要的按钮。 如果我有时间向下滚动浏览器窗口,一些测试可能会成功。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

使用任何支持JS的驱动程序click_button时,只需单击按钮然后继续。它不会等待页面上的任何内容发生变化,因为它无法知道预期会发生什么变化。我的猜测是,当您的测试调用register_with_form并返回时,它会立即点击“帐户”#39;链接与表单位于同一页面上。这将最终取消注册提交并转到没有注销链接的页面。要解决此问题,您需要将register_with_form的最后一行设为expect(page).to have_content('Welcome!'),以便在注册完成之前不会返回。
