
时间:2016-07-01 17:25:01

标签: assembly nasm


 section .text
    %define len msg-4
    global _start 
    msg: db "Thank you"
    var: dd 0x31323334

    mov ecx, msg
    mov edx, var-len ; **** the problem is here
    mov ebx, 1
    mov eax, 4
    int 80h
    mov eax, 1 
    mov ebx, 1
    int 80h ; exit         

我希望edx保持值13,因为var-len= var-msg+4= 13(var的地址与msg的距离是9,因为msg是9个字节)。因此,我认为这段代码会打印“谢谢”。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

%define len msg-4是文字替代,见下文。

通常的方法是在对象后用$ - start计算长度。简单地标记最终作品。

section .rodata           ; groups read-only together inside the .text section
    msg: db "Thank you"
    var: db 0x34, 0x33, 0x32, 0x31   ; dd 0x31323334  ; Since you're passing these bytes to write(2), writing them separately is probably less confusing.  (x86 is little-endian, so they will come out "backwards")

    ;; apparently you want to include var as part of the message, for some reason
    msglen equ $ - msg    ; $ is the current position

    ;; msgend:            ; alternative: label the end.  There doesn't have to be a db or anything; it's fine to have multiple labels for the same address

section .text
    global _start 
    mov    edx, msglen        ; message length
    ;; mov edx, msgend - msg  ; alternative



 %define len msg-4        ; first of all, this is a terrible name: it's not the length!
 mov    edx, var - len    ; expands to var-msg-4,  not var - (msg-4)

 %define msg_minus_varlen  (msg-4)
 mov    edx, var - msg_minus_varlen;  expands to var - (msg-4)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

看看最上面的一行 - 你说

 section .text
    %define len msg-4
    global _start 
    msg: db "Thank you"
    var: dd 0x31323334

msg - 4,而不是msg + 4.那就在那里解释了你所看到的差异。
