
时间:2016-07-06 08:48:55

标签: ios swift core-data nsmanagedobject nsmanagedobjectcontext

我有一个私有NSManagedObjectContext(self.moc)与父另一个私有NSManagedObjectContext。 运行代码时,它在我的设备上运行良好。然而,其中一个beta测试者抱怨了一个问题,当我查看他发给我的日志时,我注意到代码总是在运行一些它根本不应该执行的东西!

//operations start from here
var lastModifiedDate: NSDate = self.dayLog.lastModified

//...do some operations (all the operations here don't touch the self.dayLog)
//saving the self.moc 

self.moc.refreshObject(self.dayLog, mergeChanges: true)

if lastModifiedDate != self.dayLog.lastModified {
   //most probably we shouldn't get here more than once
   lastModifiedDate = self.dayLog.lastModified
   //...restart operation from beginning
   //One of the beta tester is always running this chunk


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