Azure Service Fabric消息队列

时间:2016-07-07 12:53:11

标签: c# azure azure-service-fabric

我正在尝试排队一系列任务,并使用Azure Service Fabric异步运行它们。我目前正在使用具有辅助角色的CloudMessageQueue。我正在尝试迁移到Service Fabric。从worker角色,这是我的代码:

    private void ExecuteTask()
        CloudQueueMessage message = null;

        if (queue == null)
            jmaLogProvider.WriteToLog(new ErrorMessage(MessageSeverity.Error, String.Format("Queue for WorkerRole2 is null. Exiting.")));

            message = queue.GetMessage();
            if (message != null)
                JMATask task = GetTask(message.AsString);
                string msg = (message == null) ? string.Empty : message.AsString;
                //jmaLogProvider.WriteToLog(new ErrorMessage(MessageSeverity.JMA, String.Format("Executing task {0}", msg)));
        catch (Exception ex)
            string msg = (message == null) ? string.Empty : message.AsString;
            jmaLogProvider.WriteToLog(new ErrorMessage(MessageSeverity.Error, String.Format("Message {0} Error removing message from queue {1}", msg, ex.ToString())));


  1. 如何异步运行执行任务方法?我想同时运行大约30到40个任务。
  2. 我有一份JMATask列表。如何将列表添加到队列中?
  3. 是否需要将列表添加到队列中?

    namespace Stateful1
       public class JMATask
         public string Name { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// An instance of this class is created for each service replica by the Service Fabric runtime.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Stateful1 : StatefulService
    public Stateful1(StatefulServiceContext context)
        : base(context)
    { }
    /// <summary>
    /// Optional override to create listeners (e.g., HTTP, Service Remoting, WCF, etc.) for this service replica to handle client or user requests.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// For more information on service communication, see
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>A collection of listeners.</returns>
    protected override IEnumerable<ServiceReplicaListener> CreateServiceReplicaListeners()
        return new ServiceReplicaListener[0];
    /// <summary>
    /// This is the main entry point for your service replica.
    /// This method executes when this replica of your service becomes primary and has write status.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">Canceled when Service Fabric needs to shut down this service replica.</param>
    protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // TODO: Replace the following sample code with your own logic 
        //       or remove this RunAsync override if it's not needed in your service.
        IReliableQueue<JMATask> tasks = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableQueue<JMATask>>("JMATasks");
        //var myDictionary = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableDictionary<string, long>>("myDictionary");
        while (true)
            using (var tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                var result = await tasks.TryDequeueAsync(tx);
                //how do I execute this method async?
                //Create list of JMA Tasks to queue up
                await tasks.EnqueueAsync(tx, new JMATask());
                //var result = await myDictionary.TryGetValueAsync(tx, "Counter");
                //ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this, "Current Counter Value: {0}",
                //    result.HasValue ? result.Value.ToString() : "Value does not exist.");
                //await myDictionary.AddOrUpdateAsync(tx, "Counter", 0, (key, value) => ++value);
                // If an exception is thrown before calling CommitAsync, the transaction aborts, all changes are 
                // discarded, and nothing is saved to the secondary replicas.
                await tx.CommitAsync();
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), cancellationToken);
    private async void PerformTask(JMATask task)
        //execute task


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



但是 - 如果每项任务略有不同,您是否考虑过为每项任务创建单独的微服务?

答案 1 :(得分:1)

RunAsync方法不应该包含以下行代码:await tasks.EnqueueAsync(tx, new JMATask());


    public async Task AddJMATaskAsync(JMATask task)
        var tasksQueue = await StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableQueue<JMATask>>("JMATasks");
        using (var tx = StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                await tasksQueue.EnqueueAsync(tx, request);
                await tx.CommitAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)


    public async Task PerformTask (JMATask task)
        //1. resolve stateless microservice URI
        // statelessSvc

        //2. call method of the stateless microservice
        // statelessSvc.PerformTask(task);

