
时间:2016-07-07 14:40:29

标签: javascript arrays



  • 检查对象是否已存在于数组
  • 如果是,请检查该对象的值是否已更改
  • 如果有,请更新对象
  • 如果没有,只需将对象保留原样
  • 即可


  • 如果对象不存在,请将其推入数组


var filters = [];

function addFilterToFiltersArray(obj) {
  var isValidFilter,
    filterKey = "",
    filterEnglishReadable = "",

  for (var prop in knownFilters) {
    //is the filter a valid key in the knownFilters object?
    if (obj.key === prop) {
      //if so set it as valid and create a variable to hold the key and another for the value
      isValidFilter = true,
        filterKey = prop,
        filterEnglishReadable = knownFilters[prop];

      //check if the filters array has elements in it
      if (filters.length > 0) {
        //if it does, loop the array
        for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
          //check if any of the array objects have a key that matches the pushed filter
          if (filters[i].key === obj.key) {
            console.log('keys are equal, update', filters[i].key, obj.key)
              //if it does, check if the value has changed in the newly pushed version
            if (filters[i].value === obj.value) {
              //if the value has not changed, it is in the array and there is no update necessary
              hasBeenAjaxed = true;
            } else {
              //otherwise we overwrite the value with the new value
              filters[i].value = obj.value;
              //since we have now updated the value of the object in the filters array
              //we not set the hasBeenAjaxed variable to false so that ajax runs with the new value
              hasBeenAjaxed = false;
          } else {
            console.log('keys are not equal, push', filters[i].key, obj.key, obj)
              //otherwise, the filter key is not in the array and so we set the hasBeenAjaxed variable as such
            hasBeenAjaxed = false;
      } else {
        //in this case, the array is empty and thus we can assume that the filter isnt there, obviously.
        hasBeenAjaxed = false;
      //if the value was updated, the filter wasnt found in the above loop, we push the new value/key-value and run ajax
      if (hasBeenAjaxed === false) {
        //pass to the dom builder
    } else {
      //otherwise its not valid
      isValidFilter = false;
      filterEnglishReadable = "";


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