
时间:2016-07-07 20:32:20

标签: email search outlook outlook-vba







我首先尝试搜索互联网,但解决方案太庞大,我无法理解。有什么简单的方法吗? 我甚至尝试过这里的解决方案:How to read table pasted in outlook message body using vba?但是当主体只有ON TABLE时该方法有效。但我的电子邮件将有文本和表格。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Set msg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)


Set msg = Right(ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1), 25)







Sub GetTable()
    Dim msg As Outlook.mailItem
    Dim html As String
    Dim tableBegin As String
    Dim tableEnd As String
    Dim posTableBegin As Long
    Dim posTableEnd As Long
    Dim table As String
    Dim rowBegin As String
    Dim rowEnd As String
    Dim rowCount As Long
    Dim columnBegin As String
    Dim columnBeginLen As Long
    Dim columnEnd As String
    Dim posRowBegin As Long
    Dim posRowEnd As Long
    Dim values As String(0, 3)
    Dim beginValue0 As Long
    Dim beginValue1 As Long
    Dim beginValue2 As Long
    Dim EndValue0 As Long
    Dim EndValue1 As Long
    Dim EndValue2 As Long

    ' Get the message and the html
    Set msg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)
    html = msg.HTMLbody

    ' Get the begin and end positions of the table (within the html)
    tableBegin = "<table>"
    tableEnd = "</table>"

    posTableBegin = InStr(1, html, tableBegin)
    posTableEnd = InStr(posTableBegin, html, tableEnd)

    ' Get the html table
    table = Mid(html, posTableBegin + Len(tableBegin), posTableEnd - posTableBegin - Len(tableBegin))

    ' Set the variables for the loop
    rowBegin = "<tr>"
    rowEnd = "</tr>"
    rowCount = 0

    columnBegin = "<td>"
    columnBeginLen = Len(columnBegin)
    columnEnd = "</td>"

    ' Loop trough all rows
    posRowBegin = InStr(lastPos, table, rowBegin)
    Do While posRowBegin != 0
        ' Get the end from the current row
        posRowEnd = InStr(posRowBegin, table, rowEnd)
        rowCount = rowCount + 1

        ' Make the array larger
        ReDim Preserve values(rowCount + 1, 3)

        ' Get the contents from that row
        row = Mid(table, posRowBegin + Len(rowBegin), posRowEnd - posRowBegin - Len(rowBegin))

        ' Get the three values from that row (name, Accept, Approved) and put it in the array
        beginValue0 = InStr(1, row, columnBegin) + columnBeginLen
        endValue0 = InStr(beginValue0, row, columnEnd)
        beginValue1 = InStr(endValue0, row, columnBegin) + columnBeginLen
        endValue1 = InStr(beginValue1, row, columnEnd)
        beginValue2 = InStr(endValue1, row, columnBegin) + columnBeginLen
        endValue2 = InStr(beginValue2, row, columnEnd)

        values(rowCount, 0) = Mid(row, beginValue0, endValue0)
        values(rowCount, 1) = Mid(row, beginValue1, endValue1)
        values(rowCount, 2) = Mid(row, beginValue2, endValue2)

        ' Get the beginning of the next row
        posRowBegin = InStr(lastPos, table, rowBegin)

    ' The values are now in the (double) array 'values'.
    ' values(0, [1-3]) contains the headers.

End Sub

如前所述,最初的想法来自http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/567073/Howplustoplusrecognizeplusandplusreadplustableplus。此外,我使用Word VBA how to select text between two substrings and assign to variable?和Microsoft文档来编写此文件。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

您实际上可以使用Word对象模型从表中解析文本 - 假设电子邮件是HTML格式。

从Inspector.WordEditor属性获取Word.Document对象,并使用Word对象和方法获取文本,如下面的below example from MSDN。只需将ActiveDocument替换为您从WordEditor声明和设置的变量。

Sub ReturnCellContentsToArray() 
 Dim intCells As Integer 
 Dim celTable As Cell 
 Dim strCells() As String 
 Dim intCount As Integer 
 Dim rngText As Range 

 If ActiveDocument.Tables.Count >= 1 Then 
 With ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Range 
 intCells = .Cells.Count 
 ReDim strCells(intCells) 
 intCount = 1 
 For Each celTable In .Cells 
 Set rngText = celTable.Range 
 rngText.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 
 strCells(intCount) = rngText 
 intCount = intCount + 1 
 Next celTable 
 End With 
 End If 
End Sub