JuMP - MethodError:`getindex`没有匹配getindex(:: Function,:: Int64)的方法

时间:2016-07-12 21:00:38

标签: julia julia-jump

我必须计算这个多目标问题的理想向量。我不能如何访问@objective中functs_BK1()的第一个和第二个函数。 任何想法如何使所有动态和支持n函数?

using JuMP
using Ipopt

function functs_BK1(x::Vector)
    f = zeros(2)
    f[1] = x[1]^2 + x[2]^2
    f[2] = (x[1]-5.0)^2 + (x[2]-5.0)^2

    return f

function bounds_BK1()
    return ([-5.0;-5.0],[10.0;10.0])

m = Model(solver=IpoptSolver(print_level=0))
@variable(m, x[i=1:2])

@NLexpression(m, F1, functs_BK1()[1]) #<--- Problem is here
@NLexpression(m, F2, functs_BK1()[2]) #<--- here

@constraint(m, x .>= bounds_BK1()[1])
@constraint(m, x .<= bounds_BK1()[2])

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在您的函数zoo.to.data.frame中,您已将# define environment data <- new.env() # Load Stock data in environment getSymbols(symbols,from="2016-01-01", env=data) SignalCalculator2 <- function(x) { # Assumes first colname format is still [tickername].Open tickername <- strsplit(colnames(x)[1], "\\.")[[1]][1] # Adjusted Price: price <- Ad(x) colnames(price) <- "Price" adx <- ADX(HLC(x), n = 14) # You dont want this column in your table: adx$DX <- NULL res <- merge(price, adx) # res is an xts object. Now convert to data.frame df_res <- data.frame("Date" = index(res), "Ticker" = tickername, coredata(res)) df_res } # data is an environment, not a list, so can use eapply (similar to lapply): out <- eapply(env = data, FUN = SignalCalculator2) out2 <- do.call(rbind, out) # If you want to order rows by date: out2 <- out2[order(out2$Date),] # Optional tidy up: rownames(out2) <- NULL > tail(out2) # Date Ticker Price DIp DIn ADX # 164 2016-08-25 AAMC 12.72 17.67766 21.28021 11.31483 # 330 2016-08-25 AAU 1.42 22.36896 23.64023 30.50243 # 165 2016-08-26 AAMC 12.80 16.48608 21.07136 11.37868 # 331 2016-08-26 AAU 1.36 23.02102 21.80518 28.51742 # 166 2016-08-29 AAMC 13.15 15.75814 20.14096 11.43797 # 332 2016-08-29 AAU 1.43 21.63012 22.30030 26.58943 定义为functs_BK1值的数组,而f宏必须从JuMP变量中构建所需的表达式它的第三个论点。如JuMP documentation for Nonlinear Expressions中所述,所有非线性表达式都必须在Float64宏内定义,@NLexpression@NLexpression对象当前不能在AffExpr内使用}宏。



我认为您目前无法在solve中构建一系列表达式,以后会传递给julia> using JuMP julia> using Ipopt julia> m = Model(solver=IpoptSolver(print_level=0)) Feasibility problem with: * 0 linear constraints * 0 variables Solver is Ipopt julia> @variable(m, x[i=1:2]) 2-element Array{JuMP.Variable,1}: x[1] x[2] julia> function bounds_BK1() return ([-5.0;-5.0],[10.0;10.0]) end bounds_BK1 (generic function with 1 method) julia> @NLexpression(m, F1, x[1]^2 + x[2]^2) JuMP.NonlinearExpression(Feasibility problem with: * 0 linear constraints * 2 variables Solver is Ipopt,1) julia> @NLexpression(m, F2, (x[1]-5.0)^2 + (x[2]-5.0)^2) JuMP.NonlinearExpression(Feasibility problem with: * 0 linear constraints * 2 variables Solver is Ipopt,2) julia> @constraint(m, x .>= bounds_BK1()[1]) 2-element Array{JuMP.ConstraintRef{JuMP.Model,JuMP.GenericRangeConstraint{JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64,JuMP.Variable}}},1}: x[1] ≥ -5 x[2] ≥ -5 julia> @constraint(m, x .<= bounds_BK1()[2]) 2-element Array{JuMP.ConstraintRef{JuMP.Model,JuMP.GenericRangeConstraint{JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64,JuMP.Variable}}},1}: x[1] ≤ 10 x[2] ≤ 10 julia> s = solve(m) ****************************************************************************** This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization. Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). For more information visit http://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt ****************************************************************************** :Optimal julia> getvalue(x) 2-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.261454 0.261454 。目前,需要将JuMP变量的标量表达式直接作为functs_BK1的参数传递。