
时间:2016-07-19 12:06:48

标签: php arrays loops



$sentence = 'i want to recovary my vehical from the cabs';


  1. 我想从出租车里恢复我的车辆
  2. 我想从出租车中恢复我的车辆
  3. 我想从出租车上取消我的车辆
  4. 到目前为止


    $element = array(
        "vehical" => array('vehicle'),
        "recovary" => array('recovery', 'recover', 'revary')
    $sentence = 'i want to recovary my vehical from the cabs';
    foreach($element as $i => $val){
        echo $i;    



        "vehical" => array('vehicle', 'vehiclesy', 'whatever'),
        "recovary" => array('recovery', 'recover', 'revary')
    1. 我想从出租车里恢复我的车辆
    2. 我想从出租车上恢复我的车辆
    3. 我想从出租车中恢复我的任何东西
    4. 我想从出租车中恢复我的车辆
    5. 我想从出租车中恢复车辆
    6. 我想从出租车里找回我的东西
    7. 我想从出租车上取消我的车辆
    8. 我想从驾驶室里取消我的车辆
    9. 我想从驾驶室里复活我的任何东西

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


foreach($element as $search => $combinations){
     foreach($combinations as $comb){
echo $str;



$element = array(
    "vehical" => array('vehicle', 'vehiclesy', 'whatever'),
    "recovary" => array('recovery', 'recover', 'revary')

$sentence = 'i want to recovary my vehical from the cabs';

// change the array using loop for replacement
function makeCombinations($combinations, $values)
    $res = array();
    foreach($combinations as $comb) {
        foreach($values as $value) {
            $res[$i] = is_array($comb) ? $comb : array($comb);
            $res[$i][] = $value;
    return $res;

$searchArr = array();
foreach($element as $search => $values) {
    $searchArr[] = $search;
    $combinations = isset($combinations) ? makeCombinations($combinations, $values) : $values;

// finally replace the strings
foreach($combinations as $combination){
    echo str_replace($searchArr, $combination, $sentence),"\n";


答案 1 :(得分:2)


//the items with replacement values.
$items = array(
    "vehical" => array('vehicle', 'vehiclesy', 'whatever'),
    "recovary" => array('recovery', 'recover', 'revary'),
    "cabs" => array('cups', 'cips'), 
    "from" => array(1, 2)

//init the initial sentence and the array with all solutions.
$sentence = 'i want to recovary my vehical from the cabs';
$solution = [];

//run through all keywords to execute the replacements.
foreach ($items as $item => $value) {
    if (count($value) > 0) {
        if (count($solution) > 0) {
            $solution = getReplacements($solution, $item, $value);
        } else {
            $solution = getReplacements($sentence, $item, $value);

//output the solutions.
array_walk_recursive($solution, 'output');

function output(&$item,$key) {
    echo $item."\n";

 * Function to execute the replacements.
 * @param array|string $sentence An array or string on which the replacements should execute.
 * @param string $item The word which will be replaced.
 * @param array $values The replacement values for the item.
 * @return array An array with all solutions of this function.
function getReplacements($sentence, $item, $values)
    $solutions = [];

    foreach ($values as $value) {
        $sol = str_replace($item, $value, $sentence);

        if (is_array($sol)) {
            $solutions = array_merge($solutions, $sol);
        } else {
            $solutions[] = $sol;

    return $solutions;

演示: https://ideone.com/X2Pg1R

答案 2 :(得分:2)


function createCombinations(array $input)
    $head = array_shift($input);
    $tail = count($input) > 1 ? createCombinations($input) : array_shift($input);

    $combinations = [];
    foreach ($head as $left) {
        foreach ($tail as $right) {
            $combinations[] = array_merge([$left], (array) $right);

    return $combinations;

$element = [
    'vehical'  => ['vehicle', 'car'],
    'recovary' => ['recovery', 'recover', 'revary'],
    'cubs'     => ['cabs'],

$sentence = 'i want to recovary my vehical from the cubs';
$from = array_keys($element);

foreach (createCombinations($element) as $to) {
    echo str_replace($from, $to, $sentence), "\n";

# => i want to recovery my vehicle from the cabs
# => i want to recover my vehicle from the cabs
# => i want to revary my vehicle from the cabs
# => i want to recovery my car from the cabs
# => i want to recover my car from the cabs
# => i want to revary my car from the cabs

