
时间:2016-07-19 12:48:05

标签: excel vba excel-vba



当我运行完整更新或仅运行"新项目时#34;更新,它似乎需要大量的资源,考虑到相当简单的任务和潜在的查找次数,我认为这是不必要的。这一切都是从表格#S; Sagsnr完成的。"在" Stackoverflow_dummy.xlsm"文件。



Sub Worksheet_UpdateAllItemCostData()

Dim material As Variant
Dim fndEntry As Range
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
Dim lr As Long, I As Long, J As Long
Const sPOS As String = "Pos. "

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook

J = 0
lr = wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row

If lr < 21 Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Workbooks.Open Filename:="G:\Backoffice\Tilbudsteam\Kostdatabase\Matcost.xls", ReadOnly:=True
wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows("1:1").Hidden = False

Set wb2 = ActiveWorkbook

    For I = 21 To lr

            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows(I).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=True, Transpose:=False
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows(I).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

        material = wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("C" & I).Value

    Set fndEntry = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("D:D").Find(What:=material)

    If Not material = "" Then

        J = J + 1
        wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("A" & I).Value = sPOS & J

    End If

    If Not fndEntry Is Nothing Then

        'If you want to include the formatting from the source file, use below:
        'wb2.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & fndEntry.Row).Copy Destination:=wb1.Sheets("destination sheet - change me").Range("destination column - change me" & i)

        'If you want to keep the formatting of the target file, use below:
        'wb1.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & i).Value = wb2.Sheets("destination sheet").Range("destination column" & fndEntry.Row).Value

            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("B" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("H" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Product group
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("E" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Q" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Available Stock
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("F" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("E" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Materiale name
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("H" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AJ" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Marked for deletion
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("I" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("M" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Datasheet
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("K" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("P" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Lotsize
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("M" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("F" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Material type (FERT/HAWA)
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("N" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("N" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Date of Cost update
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("O" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("O" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Last change of cost data
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("P" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("K" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Stock category
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("Q" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("L" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'ABC code
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("R" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("V" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("S" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("W" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("T" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("X" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("U" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Y" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AC" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Z" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Construction weight PE
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AD" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AD" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PE costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AE" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AA" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Construction weight PVC
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AF" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AE" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PVC costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AG" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AF" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Other materials costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AH" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AB" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Variable production costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AI" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AC" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Fixed production costs

        End If

    Set fndEntry = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("C:C").Find(What:=material)

        If Not fndEntry Is Nothing Then
        'If you want to include the formatting from the source file, use below:
        'wb2.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & fndEntry.Row).Copy Destination:=wb1.Sheets("destination sheet - change me").Range("destination column - change me" & i)

        'If you want to keep the formatting of the target file, use below:
        'wb1.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & i).Value = wb2.Sheets("destination sheet").Range("destination column" & fndEntry.Row).Value

            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("B" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("H" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Product group
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("E" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Q" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Available Stock
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("F" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("E" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Materiale name
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("H" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AJ" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Marked for deletion
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("I" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("M" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Datasheet
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("K" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("P" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Lotsize
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("M" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("F" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Material type (FERT/HAWA)
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("N" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("N" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Date of Cost update
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("O" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("O" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Last change of cost data
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("P" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("K" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Stock category
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("Q" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("L" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'ABC code
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("R" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("V" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("S" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("W" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("T" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("X" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("U" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Y" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AC" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Z" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Construction weight PE
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AD" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AD" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PE costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AE" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AA" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Construction weight PVC
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AF" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AE" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PVC costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AG" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AF" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Other materials costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AH" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AB" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Variable production costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AI" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AC" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Fixed production costs

        End If

Next I

wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows("1:1").Hidden = True

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Sub Worksheet_GetNewItemCostData()

Dim material As String
Dim costingdate As Variant
Dim fndEntry As Range, fndCostDate As Range
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
Dim lr As Long, I As Long, J As Long
Const sPOS As String = "Pos. "

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook

J = 0
lr = wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row

If lr < 21 Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Workbooks.Open Filename:="G:\Backoffice\Tilbudsteam\Kostdatabase\Matcost.xls", ReadOnly:=True
wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows("1:1").Hidden = False

Set wb2 = ActiveWorkbook

    For I = 21 To lr

    wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows(I).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=True, Transpose:=False
    wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows(I).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

    material = wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("C" & I).Value
    costingdate = wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("N" & I).Value

    If Not material = "" Then

        J = J + 1
        wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("A" & I).Value = sPOS & J

    End If

    If Not costingdate <> "" Then

        Set fndEntry = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("D:D").Find(What:=material)

        If Not fndEntry Is Nothing Then

        'If you want to include the formatting from the source file, use below:
        'wb2.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & fndEntry.Row).Copy Destination:=wb1.Sheets("destination sheet - change me").Range("destination column - change me" & i)

        'If you want to keep the formatting of the target file, use below:
        'wb1.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & i).Value = wb2.Sheets("destination sheet").Range("destination column" & fndEntry.Row).Value

            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("B" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("H" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Product group
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("E" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Q" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Available Stock
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("F" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("E" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Materiale name
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("H" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AJ" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Marked for deletion
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("I" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("M" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Datasheet
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("K" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("P" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Lotsize
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("M" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("F" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Material type (FERT/HAWA)
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("N" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("N" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Date of Cost update
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("O" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("O" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Last change of cost data
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("P" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("K" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Stock category
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("Q" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("L" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'ABC code
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("R" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("V" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("S" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("W" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("T" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("X" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("U" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Y" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AC" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Z" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Construction weight PE
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AD" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AD" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PE costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AE" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AA" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Construction weight PVC
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AF" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AE" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PVC costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AG" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AF" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Other materials costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AH" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AB" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Variable production costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AI" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AC" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Fixed production costs
        End If

        Set fndEntry = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("C:C").Find(What:=material)

        If Not fndEntry Is Nothing Then

        'If you want to include the formatting from the source file, use below:
        'wb2.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & fndEntry.Row).Copy Destination:=wb1.Sheets("destination sheet - change me").Range("destination column - change me" & i)

        'If you want to keep the formatting of the target file, use below:
        'wb1.Sheets("Source sheet - change me").Range("source column - change me" & i).Value = wb2.Sheets("destination sheet").Range("destination column" & fndEntry.Row).Value

            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("B" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("H" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Product group
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("E" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Q" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Available Stock
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("F" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("E" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Materiale name
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("H" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AJ" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Marked for deletion
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("I" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("M" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Datasheet
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("K" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("P" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Lotsize
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("M" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("F" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Material type (FERT/HAWA)
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("N" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("N" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Date of Cost update
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("O" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("O" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Last change of cost data
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("P" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("K" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Stock category
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("Q" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("L" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'ABC code
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("R" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("V" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("S" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("W" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Construction weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("T" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("X" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Cu
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("U" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Y" & fndEntry.Row).Value   'Sales weight Al
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AC" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("Z" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Construction weight PE
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AD" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AD" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PE costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AE" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AA" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Construction weight PVC
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AF" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AE" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'PVC costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AG" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AF" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Other materials costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AH" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AB" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Variable production costs
            wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("AI" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("AC" & fndEntry.Row).Value 'Fixed production costs
        End If

    End If

Next I

wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Rows("1:1").Hidden = True

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.").Range("B" & I).Value = wb2.Sheets("Matcost").Range("H" & fndEntry.Row).Value  'Product group

Excel必须找到“Sagsnr”表。和“Matcost”以及它们复制的每个单元格的相应范围 你可以做的是保存工作表和范围,就像你在循环之前对工作簿一样:

Dim wsTo As Worksheet, wsFrom As Worksheet
Set wsTo = wb1.Sheets("Sagsnr.")
Set wsFrom = wb2.Sheets("Matcost")
Dim rngTo As Range, rngFrom As Range


Set rngTo = wsTo.Range("A" & I)
Set rngFrom = wsFrom.Range("A" & fndEntry.Row)

rngTo(, "B") = rngFrom(, "H")  ' Product group
rngTo(, "E") = rngFrom(, "Q")  ' Available Stock
' ... and add the same for the rest of the columns 

<小时/> 如果您可以一次复制细胞范围而不是逐个细胞复制细胞范围,那么可以加快速度的是什么 例如,在您的情况下,您可以过滤源行并复制列:

Dim materials  ' As Variant
materials = wsTo.Range("C21:C" & lr)
materials = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(materials) 'flips from "vertical" to "horisontal"   
wsFrom.UsedRange.AutoFilter 4, materials, xlFilterValues  ' 4 is column D:D in "Matcost"

' set the copy from and paste to ranges
Set rngFrom = wsFrom.Range("A2:A" & wsFrom.UsedRange.Rows.Count) ' skips the header cells
Set rngTo = wsTo.Range("A21")    ' to paste on row 21

' "rngTo(, "B") = rngFrom(, "H")  ' Product group" becomes:
rngFrom.Columns("H").Copy  ' this will copy only the filtered (visible) cells in column H
rngTo(, "B").PasteSpecial  ' or wsTo.Range("B21").PasteSpecial
' ... and add the same for the rest of the columns 

Application.CutCopyMode = False '"Cancels Cut or Copy mode and removes the moving border"

wsTo.UsedRange.AutoFilter 4 ' optional to clear the filter from column D:D