
时间:2016-07-22 16:03:57

标签: php cakephp cakephp-3.0

我添加了前缀admin并将控制器从 Userscontroller 更改为 LoginController ,现在 localhost:8765 / admin 工作正常但 localhost:8765 / admin / login / check_login 但是当我提交表单时,它会给我一个错误错误:在此服务器上找不到请求的地址'/ admin / login / check-login'其中 check_login是我的身份验证操作


'set up a for loop that increments through all sheets in the workbook
For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
'set up a temp page to work with the current page
    Set tem = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(i)
    'increment through all the rows that have data in them
        For Each rng In tem.Rows
        'if the data matches what was searched for, copy it into another worksheet
            If tem.Cells(ct, 4) = SForm.Text Then
                sr.Cells(spot, 1) = tem.Cells(ct, 1)
                sr.Cells(spot, 2) = tem.Cells(ct, 2)
                sr.Cells(spot, 3) = tem.Cells(ct, 3)
                sr.Cells(spot, 4) = tem.Cells(ct, 4)
                sr.Cells(spot, 5) = tem.Cells(ct, 5)
                sr.Cells(spot, 6) = tem.Cells(ct, 6)
                sr.Cells(spot, 7) = tem.Cells(ct, 7)
                sr.Cells(spot, 8) = tem.Cells(ct, 8)
                sr.Cells(spot, 9) = tem.Cells(ct, 9)
                sr.Cells(spot, 10) = tem.Cells(ct, 10)
                sr.Cells(spot, 11) = tem.Cells(ct, 11)
                sr.Cells(spot, 12) = tem.Cells(ct, 12)

                'increment the placeholder for the new sheet
                spot = spot + 1
            End If
            'increase ct to keep track of where in the worksheet it is
            ct = ct + 1
        Next rng
        'reset ct for the next worksheet
        ct = 1
Next i

App Controller

Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) {
$routes->connect('/', ['controller' => 'Login', 'action' => 'display','login']);


   public function initialize() {
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'fields' => [
                    'username' => 'username',
                    'password' => 'password'
        'loginAction' => [
            'controller' => 'Login',
            'action' => 'check_login',
            'prefix' => 'admin'

    // Allow the display action so our pages controller
    // continues to work.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 在您的Controller应用程序文件夹中创建Admin文件夹。
  2. 内部 - 创建UsersController.php并创建登录方法。 Admin文件夹中的所有功能仅用于URL中的Admin前缀。
  3. 下一步 - 您可以使用以下路线将URL / admin / login映射到用户控制器的login()操作:

    Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) {
        // Because you are in the admin scope,
        // you do not need to include the /admin prefix
        // or the admin route element.
        $routes->connect('/login', ['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login']);

