Formidable Node模块...如何在文件上载进度开始之前获取非文件字段名称/值

时间:2016-07-26 11:10:54

标签: node.js formidable


 formProcess = new formidable.IncomingForm();
 formProcess.parse(req, function(error, myFields, myFiles) {

    //I get access to the field values here...
    //But only after the files are uploaded. 
    //I need this info before the file uploads start.
 formProcess.on('progress', function(alreadyReceived, expectedToRcv) {
   //Fileupload progress info available here...
   //I need field names here while processing the upload progress.
   //Application specific requirement...

这是否与http post方法的工作原理有关,还是特定于Node的Formidable模块的实现?

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