
时间:2016-07-28 19:05:21

标签: haskell persistent quickcheck



instance (Monad a) => MonadThrow (PropertyM a)

instance (MonadThrow a) => MonadCatch (PropertyM a)

type NwApp = SqlPersistT IO

prop_childCreation :: PropertyM NwApp Bool
prop_childCreation = do
  uid <- pick $ UserKey <$> arbitrary
  lid <- pick $ LogKey <$> arbitrary
  gid <- pick $ Aria2Gid <$> arbitrary
  let createDownload_  = createDownload gid lid uid []
  (Entity pid _) <- run $ createDownload_ Nothing
  dstatus <- pick arbitrary
  parent <- run $ updateGet pid [DownloadStatus =. dstatus]

  let test = do 
        (Entity cid child) <- run $ createDownload_ (Just pid)
        case (parent ^. status, child ^. status) of
          (DownloadComplete ChildrenComplete, DownloadComplete ChildrenNone) -> return True
          (DownloadComplete ChildrenIncomplete, DownloadIncomplete) -> return True
          _ -> return False

  test `catches` [
    Handler (\ (e :: SanityException) -> return True),
    Handler (\ (e :: SomeException) -> return False)

-- How do I write this function?
runTests = monadicIO $ runSqlite ":memory:" $ do 
 -- whatever I do, this function fails to typecheck

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
    name String
    age Int Maybe
    deriving Show Eq

type SqlT m = SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m))

prop_insert_person :: PropertyM (SqlT IO) ()
prop_insert_person = do
  personName <- pick arbitrary
  personAge  <- pick arbitrary
  let person = Person personName personAge

  -- This assertion will fail right now on the second iteration
  -- since I have not implemented the cleanup code
  numEntries <- run $ count ([] :: [Filter Person])
  assert (numEntries == 0)

  personId <- run $ insert person
  result <- run $ get personId
  assert (result == Just person)

main :: IO ()
main = runNoLoggingT $ withSqliteConn ":memory:" $ \connection -> lift $ do
    -- Run a SqlT action using our connection
    runSql :: SqlT IO a -> IO a
    runSql =  flip runSqlPersistM connection

    runSqlProperty :: SqlT IO Property -> Property
    runSqlProperty action = ioProperty . runSql $ do
        prop <- action
        liftIO $ putStrLn "\nDB reset code (per test) goes here\n"
        return prop

    quickCheckSql :: PropertyM (SqlT IO) () -> IO ()
    quickCheckSql = quickCheck . monadic runSqlProperty

  -- Initial DB setup code
  runSql $ runMigration migrateAll

  -- Test as many quickcheck properties as you like
  quickCheckSql prop_insert_person

可以找到包含导入和扩展名的完整代码in this gist


对于MonadCatch,您也不需要MonadThrow / PropertyM的实例。相反,你应该赶上NwApp monad。所以不要这样:

let test = do
  run a
  run b
test `catch` \exc -> ...


let test = do
  return ...whether or not the test was successfull...
let testCaught = test `catch` \exc -> ..handler code...
ok <- test
assert ok

答案 1 :(得分:1)



build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5, QuickCheck, persistent, persistent-sqlite, monad-logger, transformers


 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

 module Lib2 where

 import Database.Persist.Sql
 import Database.Persist.Sqlite
 import Test.QuickCheck
 import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
 import Control.Monad.Logger
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class


 aQuery :: SqlPersistM Int
 aQuery = undefined

当然,aQuery可能会有争议。重要的是 它返回SqlPersistM动作。


 runQuery = runSqlite ":memory:" $ do aQuery

即使PropertyM是monad变换器,它似乎是唯一的 使用它的有用方法是使用PropertyM IO

为了从SqlPersistM-action中获取IO动作,我们需要 后端。


 prop_test :: SqlBackend -> PropertyM IO Bool
 prop_test backend = do
   a <- run $ runSqlPersistM aQuery backend
   b <- run $ runSqlPersistM aQuery backend
   return (a == b)


要运行具有特定后端的SqlPersistM操作,我们需要 执行一些提升:

 runQuery2 = withSqliteConn ":memory:" $ \backend -> do
               liftNoLogging (runSqlPersistM aQuery backend)

 liftNoLogging :: Monad m => m a -> NoLoggingT m a
 liftNoLogging = lift


  • runSqlPersistM aQuery backend是一个IO动作
  • withSqliteConn ...需要记录
  • 的monadic操作
  • 所以我们使用liftNoLogging函数将IO动作提升为NoLoggingT IO动作


 runTest = withSqliteConn ":memory:" $ \backend -> do
             liftNoLogging $ quickCheck (monadicIO (prop_test backend))

答案 2 :(得分:0)

monadicIO :: PropertyM IO a -> Property
runSqlite ":memory:" :: SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a -> m a
prop_childCreation :: PropertyM NwApp Bool


monadic :: Monad m => (m Property -> Property) -> PropertyM m a -> Property

这看起来比monadicIO更好:我们可以将这个和我们的要求结合起来,将prop_childCreation用于生成需求(m Property - &gt; Property)。

runSqlite ":memory:" :: SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a -> m a
\f -> monadic f prop_childCreation :: (NwApp Property -> Property) -> Property


runSqlite ":memory:" :: SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a -> m a
\f -> monadic f prop_childCreation :: (SqlPersistT IO Property -> Property) -> Property

我只相信最后T的所有内容都是MonadTrans,这意味着我们有lift :: Monad m => m a -> T m a。然后我们可以看到这是我们摆脱SqlPersistT的机会:

\f g -> monadic (f . runSqlite ":memory:" . g) prop_childCreation :: (IO Property -> Property) -> (SqlPersistT IO Property -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) Property) -> Property


\f g -> monadic (monadicIO . f . runSqlite ":memory:" . g) prop_childCreation :: (IO Property -> PropertyT IO a) -> (SqlPersistT IO Property -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) Property) -> Property

升降机闪耀的时间!除了在f中我们显然将Property扔到IO Property之外,在右边我们需要以某种方式“fmap”到SqlPersistT的monad参数部分。好吧,我们可以忽略第一个问题,并将另一个问题推迟到下一步:

\f -> monadic (monadicIO . lift . runSqlite ":memory:" . f (lift . lift)) prop_childCreation :: ((m a -> n a) -> SqlPersistT m a -> SqlPersist n a) -> Property

看起来就像Control.Monad.Morph MFunctor提供的那样。我只是假装SqlPersistT有一个实例:

monadic (monadicIO . lift . runSqlite ":memory:" . mmorph (lift . lift)) prop_childCreation :: Property

