番石榴:设置<k> +功能<k,v> =地图<k,v>?</k,v> </k,v> </k>

时间:2010-10-06 03:08:39

标签: java collections guava

是否有惯用的方法来获取Set<K>Function<K,V>,并获得Map<K,V>实时视图? (即MapSetFunction组合支持,如果例如将一个元素添加到Set,则Map中也存在相应的条目。 1}})。



public static <K,V> Map<K,V> newMapFrom(Set<K> keys, Function<? super K,V> f) {
    Map<K,V> map = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (K k : keys) {
        map.put(k, f.apply(k));
    return map;

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:29)




Map<K,V> immutable = new SetBackedMap<K,V>(Set<K> keys, Function<K,V> func);
Map<K,V> mutable = new MutableSetBackedMap<K,V>(Set<K> keys, Function<K,V> func);



Map<K,V> immutable = Maps.immutableComputingMap(Set<K> keys, Function<K,V> func);
Map<K,V> mutable = Maps.mutableComputingMap(Set<K> keys, Function<K,V> func);



  • 对该集的更改将反映在中 地图,但反之亦然(无论如何,您无法更改地图,put(key, value)方法未实施)。
  • entrySet()迭代器使用 在内部设置迭代器,所以它会 也继承了内部迭代器 处理 ConcurrentModificationException
  • put(k,v)和。{ entrySet().iterator().remove()会 扔 UnsupportedOperationException
  • 值缓存在WeakHashMap中, 没有特殊的并发处理,即没有同步 任何级别。这适用于大多数情况,但如果您的功能很昂贵,您可能需要添加一些锁定。


public class SetBackedMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V>{

    private class MapEntry implements Entry<K, V>{
        private final K key;
        public MapEntry(final K key){
            this.key = key;
        public K getKey(){
            return this.key;
        public V getValue(){
            V value = SetBackedMap.this.cache.get(this.key);
            if(value == null){
                value = SetBackedMap.this.funk.apply(this.key);
                SetBackedMap.this.cache.put(this.key, value);
            return value;
        public V setValue(final V value){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    private class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Entry<K, V>>{

        public class EntryIterator implements Iterator<Entry<K, V>>{
            private final Iterator<K> inner;
            public EntryIterator(){
                this.inner = EntrySet.this.keys.iterator();
            public boolean hasNext(){
                return this.inner.hasNext();
            public Map.Entry<K, V> next(){
                final K key = this.inner.next();
                return new MapEntry(key);
            public void remove(){
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        private final Set<K> keys;

        public EntrySet(final Set<K> keys){
            this.keys = keys;

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator(){
            return new EntryIterator();

        public int size(){
            return this.keys.size();


    private final WeakHashMap<K, V> cache;
    private final Set<Entry<K, V>> entries;
    private final Function<? super K, ? extends V> funk;

    public SetBackedMap(
        final Set<K> keys, Function<? super K, ? extends V> funk){
        this.funk = funk;
        this.cache = new WeakHashMap<K, V>();
        this.entries = new EntrySet(keys);

    public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet(){
        return this.entries;



final Map<Integer, String> map =
    new SetBackedMap<Integer, String>(
        new TreeSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
            1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256)),
        new Function<Integer, String>(){

            public String apply(final Integer from){
                return Integer.toBinaryString(from.intValue());
for(final Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : map.entrySet()){
        "Key: " + entry.getKey()
        + ", value: " + entry.getValue());


Key: 1, value: 1
Key: 2, value: 10
Key: 4, value: 100
Key: 8, value: 1000
Key: 16, value: 10000
Key: 32, value: 100000
Key: 64, value: 1000000
Key: 128, value: 10000000
Key: 256, value: 100000000


虽然我觉得单向制作是个好主意,但这里是Emil的一个版本,它提供了一个双向视图(这是Emil对我的解决方案变体的变体:-))。它需要一个扩展的地图界面,我将其称为ComputingMap,以明确这是一个调用put(key, value)没有意义的地图。


public interface ComputingMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V>{
    boolean removeKey(final K key);
    boolean addKey(final K key);


public class MutableSetBackedMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements
    ComputingMap<K, V>{

    public class MapEntry implements Entry<K, V>{

        private final K key;

        public MapEntry(final K key){
            this.key = key;

        public K getKey(){
            return this.key;

        public V getValue(){
            V value = MutableSetBackedMap.this.cache.get(this.key);
            if(value == null){
                value = MutableSetBackedMap.this.funk.apply(this.key);
                MutableSetBackedMap.this.cache.put(this.key, value);
            return value;

        public V setValue(final V value){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


    public class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Entry<K, V>>{

        public class EntryIterator implements Iterator<Entry<K, V>>{

            private final Iterator<K> inner;

            public EntryIterator(){
                this.inner = MutableSetBackedMap.this.keys.iterator();

            public boolean hasNext(){
                return this.inner.hasNext();

            public Map.Entry<K, V> next(){
                final K key = this.inner.next();
                return new MapEntry(key);

            public void remove(){
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


        public EntrySet(){

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator(){
            return new EntryIterator();

        public int size(){
            return MutableSetBackedMap.this.keys.size();


    private final WeakHashMap<K, V> cache;
    private final Set<Entry<K, V>> entries;
    private final Function<? super K, ? extends V> funk;
    private final Set<K> keys;

    public MutableSetBackedMap(final Set<K> keys,
        final Function<? super K, ? extends V> funk){
        this.keys = keys;
        this.funk = funk;
        this.cache = new WeakHashMap<K, V>();
        this.entries = new EntrySet();

    public boolean addKey(final K key){
        return this.keys.add(key);

    public boolean removeKey(final K key){
        return this.keys.remove(key);

    public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet(){
        return this.entries;



public static void main(final String[] args){
    final ComputingMap<Integer, String> map =
        new MutableSetBackedMap<Integer, String>(
            new TreeSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
                1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256)),
            new Function<Integer, String>(){

                public String apply(final Integer from){
                    return Integer.toBinaryString(from.intValue());


{1=1, 2=10, 4=100, 8=1000, 16=10000, 32=100000, 64=1000000, 128=10000000, 256=100000000}
{1=1, 2=10, 3=11, 4=100, 16=10000, 32=100000, 64=1000000, 128=10000000, 217=11011001, 256=100000000}

答案 1 :(得分:22)


public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof Entry)) {
        return false;
    Entry<?, ?> e2 = (Entry<?, ?>) obj;
    return (getKey() == null ? e2.getKey() == null : getKey().equals(e2.getKey()))
        && (getValue() == null ? e2.getValue() == null : getValue().equals(e2.getValue()));

public int hashCode() {
    return (getKey() == null ? 0 : getKey().hashCode()) ^
        (getValue() == null ? 0 : getValue().hashCode());


答案 2 :(得分:14)

Guava 14现在有Maps.asMap用于查看集合,Maps.toMap用于不可变副本。

您可以在此处看到有关问题的大部分讨论: https://github.com/google/guava/issues/56

答案 3 :(得分:5)

对于非实时视图,代码存在lambdaJ Lambda.map(Set, Converter)

Set<K> setKs = new Set<K>();
Converter<K, V> converterKv = new Converter<K,V>{
    public V convert(K from){
        return null; //Not useful here but you can do whatever you want
Map<K, V> mapKvs = Lambda.map(setKs, converterKv);

我尝试了自己的实现:http://ideone.com/Kkpcn 正如评论中所说,我必须扩展另一个类,所以我刚刚实现了Map,这就是为什么代码太多了。


答案 4 :(得分:2)



答案 5 :(得分:1)


public class GuavaTst {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    final Function<String, String> functionToLower = new Function<String, String>() {
        public String apply (String input) {
            return input.toLowerCase();

      final Set<String> set=new HashSet<String>();
      Map<String, String> testMap = newLiveMap(set,functionToLower);
      System.out.println("Map :- "+testMap);
      System.out.println("Set :- "+set);
      System.out.println("Map :- "+testMap);
      System.out.println("Set :- "+set);
      System.out.println("Map :- "+testMap);
      System.out.println("Set :- "+set);


 static <K,V> Map<K,V> newLiveMap(final Set<K> backEnd,final Function<K,V> fun)
    return new HashMap<K,V>(){

            public void clear() {

            public boolean containsKey(Object key) {

                return backEnd.contains(key);
            public boolean isEmpty() {

                return backEnd.isEmpty();
            public V put(K key, V value) {

                return null; 
            public boolean containsValue(Object value) {

                for(K s:backEnd)
                        return true;
                return false;
            public V remove(Object key) {

                return null;
            public int size() {

                return backEnd.size();

            public V get(Object key) {

                return fun.apply((K)key);
            public String toString() {

                StringBuilder b=new StringBuilder();
                Iterator<K> itr=backEnd.iterator();

                 K key=itr.next();  

                  b.append(", ");


                return b.toString();



我对seanizer's answer进行了一些小改动,以便地图中所做的更改也会反映在该集中。

public class SetBackedMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements SetFunctionMap<K, V>{

    public class MapEntry implements Entry<K, V>{
        private final K key;
        public MapEntry(final K key){
            this.key = key;
        public K getKey(){
            return this.key;
        public V getValue(){
            V value = SetBackedMap.this.cache.get(this.key);
            if(value == null){
                value = SetBackedMap.this.funk.apply(this.key);
                SetBackedMap.this.cache.put(this.key, value);
            return value;
        public V setValue(final V value){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Entry<K, V>>{

        public class EntryIterator implements Iterator<Entry<K, V>>{
            private final Iterator<K> inner;
            public EntryIterator(){
                this.inner = EntrySet.this.keys.iterator();

            public boolean hasNext(){
                return this.inner.hasNext();
            public Map.Entry<K, V> next(){
                final K key = this.inner.next();
                return new MapEntry(key);
            public void remove(){
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


        private final Set<K> keys;

        public EntrySet(final Set<K> keys){
            this.keys = keys;
        public boolean add(Entry<K, V> e) {
            return keys.add(e.getKey());
        public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator(){
            return new EntryIterator();

        public int size(){
            return this.keys.size();
        public boolean remove(Object o) {
            return keys.remove(o);


    private final WeakHashMap<K, V> cache;
    private final Set<Entry<K, V>> entries;
    private final Function<K, V> funk;

    public SetBackedMap(final Set<K> keys, final Function<K, V> funk){
        this.funk = funk;
        this.cache = new WeakHashMap<K, V>();
        this.entries = new EntrySet(keys);

    public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet(){
        return this.entries;

    public boolean putKey(K key){
        return entries.add(new MapEntry(key));

    public boolean removeKey(K key) {
        return entries.remove(key);



public interface SetFunctionMap<K,V> extends Map<K, V>{
     public boolean putKey(K key);
     public boolean removeKey(K key);


public class SetBackedMapTst {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Set<Integer> set=new TreeSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
            1, 2, 4, 8, 16));
    final SetFunctionMap<Integer, String> map =
        new SetBackedMap<Integer, String>(set,
            new Function<Integer, String>(){
                public String apply(final Integer from){
                    return Integer.toBinaryString(from.intValue());
          System.out.println("Map: "+map); 
          System.out.println("Set: "+set);
          System.out.println("Map: "+map); 
          System.out.println("Set: "+set);
          System.out.println("Map: "+map); 
          System.out.println("Set: "+set);



Map: {1=1, 2=10, 4=100, 8=1000, 16=10000, 222=11011110}//change to set reflected in map 
Set: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 222]
Map: {1=1, 2=10, 4=100, 8=1000, 16=10000, 112=1110000, 222=11011110}
Set: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 112, 222]//change to map reflected in set 
Map: {1=1, 2=10, 4=100, 8=1000, 16=10000, 222=11011110}
Set: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 222]//change to map reflected in set