
时间:2016-08-11 22:45:03

标签: wordpress

希望有人可以帮助我解决这个问题 - 多年来我一直通过本网站的见解调试了很多代码。



这是一个自定义主题 - 我需要在functions.php中使用某些东西才能使其工作吗? (我不得不在很久以前使用过缩略图)


            $args1 = array( 'category' => 'locations' );
            $myposts1 = get_posts( $args1 );
                foreach ( $myposts1 as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>

               <div class="post">

                     <!-- Display the Title as a link to the Post's permalink. -->
                     <h2 class="post-title">
                        <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

                     <!-- Display the date (November 16th, 2009 format) and a link to other posts by this posts author. -->
                     <p class="post-title-meta">
                        <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>
                     <!-- Display the Post's Content in a div box. -->
                     <div class="post-entry">

                            <?php if ( ( function_exists('has_post_thumbnail') ) && ( has_post_thumbnail() ) ) { 
                                $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
                                $post_thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $post_thumbnail_id );
                                <div class="post-image">
                                    <img title="image title" alt="thumb image" class="wp-post-image" src="<?php echo $post_thumbnail_url; ?>" style="width:100%; height:auto; margin-bottom:40px;">
                            <?php } ?>

                        <?php the_content( $more_link_text , $strip_teaser ); ?> 

                     </div><!-- post entry-->
                 </div> <!-- post -->  

                <?php endforeach; 

            </div> <!-- #col-md-5 --> 
            <!-- end of Locations -->

            <!-- second column-->
            <div class="col-md-5">

            <h2>Latest </h2>


                $args2 = array( 'category' => 'secondcategory' );
                $myposts2 = get_posts( $args2 );
                    foreach ( $myposts2 as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>

                   <div class="post">

                         <!-- Display the Title as a link to the Post's permalink. -->
                         <h2 class="post-title">
                            <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

                         <!-- Display the date (November 16th, 2009 format) and a link to other posts by this posts author. -->
                         <p class="post-title-meta">
                            <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>
                         <!-- Display the Post's Content in a div box. -->
                         <div class="post-entry">

                                <?php if ( ( function_exists('has_post_thumbnail') ) && ( has_post_thumbnail() ) ) { 
                                    $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
                                    $post_thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $post_thumbnail_id );
                                    <div class="post-image">
                                        <img title="image title" alt="thumb image" class="wp-post-image" src="<?php echo $post_thumbnail_url; ?>" style="width:100%; height:auto; margin-bottom:40px;">
                                <?php } ?>

                            <?php the_content( $more_link_text , $strip_teaser ); ?> 

                         </div><!-- post entry-->
                     </div> <!-- post -->  

            <?php endforeach; 

            </div> <!-- #col-md-5 -->  
           <!-- end of secondcatagory -->  

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