
时间:2016-08-15 13:24:25

标签: c++ string-concatenation

我正在尝试使用模板创建type_info::name()函数的模拟,该函数会发出const - 限定名称。例如。 typeid(bool const).name()"bool",但我希望看到"bool const"。因此,对于泛型类型,我定义:

template<class T> struct type_name { static char const *const _; };

template<class T> char const *const type_name<T>::_ = "type unknown";

char const *const type_name<bool>::_ = "bool";
char const *const type_name<int>::_ = "int";

然后type_name<bool>::_"bool"。对于非const类型,显然我可以为每种类型添加一个单独的定义,所以char const *const type_name<bool const>::_ = "bool const";等等。但我想我会尝试部分特化和连接宏来在一行中派生任何类型的const限定名称它之前定义了非const - 限定名称。所以

#define CAT(A, B) A B

template<class T> char const *const type_name<T const>::_
    = CAT(type_name<T>::_, " const"); // line [1]

但是type_name<bool const>::_error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before 'string'提供了line [1]。我认为type_name<bool>::_是一个在编译时已知的静态字符串,那么如何在编译时将它与" const"连接起来?


char str1[4] = "int";
char *str2 = MYCAT(str1, " const");

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

template <std::string_view const&... Strs>
struct join
    // Helper to get a string literal from a std::array
    template <std::size_t N, std::array<char, N> const& S, typename>
    struct to_char_array;
    template <std::size_t N, std::array<char, N> const& S, std::size_t... I>
    struct to_char_array<N, S, std::index_sequence<I...>>
        static constexpr const char value[]{S[I]..., 0};
    // Join all strings into a single std::array of chars
    static constexpr auto impl() noexcept
        constexpr std::size_t len = (Strs.size() + ... + 0);
        std::array<char, len + 1> arr{};
        auto append = [i = 0, &arr](auto const& s) mutable {
            for (auto c : s) arr[i++] = c;
        (append(Strs), ...);
        arr[len] = 0;
        return arr;
    // Give the joined string static storage
    static constexpr auto arr = impl();
    // Convert to a string literal, then view as a std::string_view
    static constexpr std::string_view value =
        to_char_array<arr.size(), arr, std::make_index_sequence<arr.size()>>::value;
// Helper to get the value out
template <std::string_view const&... Strs>
static constexpr auto join_v = join<Strs...>::value;

// Hello world example
static constexpr std::string_view hello = "hello";
static constexpr std::string_view space = " ";
static constexpr std::string_view world = "world";
static constexpr std::string_view bang = "!";
// Join them all together
static constexpr auto joined = join_v<hello, space, world, bang>;

int main()
    std::cout << joined << '\n';


我个人认为此解决方案更易于遵循,因为constexpr impl函数类似于在运行时如何解决此问题。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

基于@Hededes answer,如果我们允许递归模板,则许多字符串的串联可以实现为:

#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

namespace impl
/// Base declaration of our constexpr string_view concatenation helper
template <std::string_view const&, typename, std::string_view const&, typename>
struct concat;

/// Specialisation to yield indices for each char in both provided string_views,
/// allows us flatten them into a single char array
template <std::string_view const& S1,
          std::size_t... I1,
          std::string_view const& S2,
          std::size_t... I2>
struct concat<S1, std::index_sequence<I1...>, S2, std::index_sequence<I2...>>
  static constexpr const char value[]{S1[I1]..., S2[I2]..., 0};
} // namespace impl

/// Base definition for compile time joining of strings
template <std::string_view const&...> struct join;

/// When no strings are given, provide an empty literal
template <>
struct join<>
  static constexpr std::string_view value = "";

/// Base case for recursion where we reach a pair of strings, we concatenate
/// them to produce a new constexpr string
template <std::string_view const& S1, std::string_view const& S2>
struct join<S1, S2>
  static constexpr std::string_view value =

/// Main recursive definition for constexpr joining, pass the tail down to our
/// base case specialisation
template <std::string_view const& S, std::string_view const&... Rest>
struct join<S, Rest...>
  static constexpr std::string_view value =
    join<S, join<Rest...>::value>::value;

/// Join constexpr string_views to produce another constexpr string_view
template <std::string_view const&... Strs>
static constexpr auto join_v = join<Strs...>::value;

namespace str
static constexpr std::string_view a = "Hello ";
static constexpr std::string_view b = "world";
static constexpr std::string_view c = "!";

int main()
  constexpr auto joined = join_v<str::a, str::b, str::c>;
  std::cout << joined << '\n';
  return 0;

我将c ++ 17与std::string_view一起使用,是因为size方法很方便,但是可以像@Hedede那样很容易地适应使用const char[]文字。
