
时间:2016-08-18 07:15:02

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2014


CREATE TABLE source_table (
    id int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
    category varchar(255) NULL,
    item int NULL,
    counter int NULL,
    length int NULL

CREATE TABLE dest_table(
    id int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
    from_item [int] NULL,
    to_item [int] NULL,
    length [int] NULL


INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'A', 100, 1, 0
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'A', 101, 2, 10
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'A', 102, 3, 5
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'A', 103, 4, 7
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'A', 104, 5, 12
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'B', 101, 1, 0
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'B', 111, 2, 15
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'B', 114, 3, 6
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'B', 117, 4, 13
INSERT INTO source_table SELECT 'B', 119, 5, 8



100, 101, 10
101, 102, 5
102, 103, 7
103, 104, 12
101, 111, 15
111, 114, 6
114, 117, 13
117, 119, 8

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select *
from   (select lag(item) over (partition by category order by item) as from_item,
               item as to_item,
        from   source_table) base
where   from_item is not null


答案 1 :(得分:0)



insert into dest_table([from_item], [to_item], [length])
select t.* from(
    select t1.[item] as col_1, t2.[item] as col_2, t2.[length]
    from source_table t1
    join source_table t2
    on t1.id = t2.id -1
where t.[length] <> 0;


| 100 | 101 | 10   |
| 101 | 102 | 5    |
| 102 | 103 | 7    |
| 103 | 104 | 12   |
| 101 | 111 | 15   |
| 111 | 114 | 6    |
| 114 | 117 | 13   |
| 117 | 119 | 8    |




;with cte as(
    select rn = row_number() over(
        order by id
    ), *
    from source_table
insert into dest_table([from_item], [to_item], [length])
select t.* from(
    select t1.[item] as col_1, t2.[item] as col_2, t2.[length]
    from cte t1
    join cte t2
    on t1.id = t2.id -1
where t.[length] <> 0;

答案 2 :(得分:0)

SELECT a.item, b.item, b.length
FROM source_table as a
INNER JOIN source_table b
  ON a.id = b.id - 1
  AND a.category = b.category

答案 3 :(得分:0)



DECLARE @source_table TABLE (
    id int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
    category varchar(1) NULL,
    item int NULL,
    [counter] int NULL,
    [length] int NULL

DECLARE @dest_table TABLE(
    id int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
    category varchar(1) NULL,
    from_item int NULL,
    to_item int NULL,
    [length] int NULL

INSERT INTO @source_table (category, item, [counter], [length]) values 
('A', 100, 1, 0),
('A', 101, 2, 10),
('A', 102, 3, 5),
('A', 103, 4, 7),
('A', 104, 5, 12),
('B', 101, 1, 0),
('B', 111, 2, 15),
('B', 114, 3, 6),
('B', 117, 4, 13),
('B', 119, 5, 8);

insert into @dest_table (category, from_item, to_item, [length])
select t1.category,  t1.item, t2.item, t2.[length]
from @source_table t1
join @source_table t2 
  on (t1.category = t2.category and t1.[counter]+1 = t2.[counter]);

select * from @dest_table;

如果Id或计数器之间存在间隙,则row_number可用于使用相同的方法 例如:

with SRC AS (
 select category, item, [length],
 row_number() over (partition by category order by id) as [counter] 
 from @source_table
insert into @dest_table (category, from_item, to_item, [length])
select t1.category,  t1.item, t2.item, t2.[length]
from SRC t1
join SRC t2
  on (t1.category = t2.category and t1.[counter]+1 = t2.[counter]);