
时间:2016-08-18 18:36:04

标签: c# data-binding datatable


class Task{
  public string Description;
  public DateTime StartDate;
  public DateTime EndDate;


DataTable.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString() // "Draw a cat"
DataTable.Rows[0]["BeginDate"].ToString() // "2016-08-17 9:47:22 AM"
DataTable.Rows[0]["EndDate"].ToString() // "2016-08-17 11:22:37 AM"



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




// Creates IEnumerable<DataRow>

var taskDataTableEnumerable = taskDataTable.AsEnumerable();

List<Task> myTaskList =
    (from item in taskDataTableEnumerable
     select new Task{
         Description = item.Field<string>("DescriptionColumnName"),
         StartDate = item.Field<DateTime>("StartDateColumnName"),
         EndDate = item.Field<DateTime>("EndDateColumnName")




  • 您只需在现有表格中创建一个新的DataRow,如下所示:

         DataRow taskDataRow = taskDataTable.NewRow();
  • 使用如下代码从新添加的任务对象向taskDataRow添加数据:

           taskDataRow["DescriptionColumnName"] = taskObject.Description
           taskDataRow["StartDateColumnName"] = taskObject.StartDate
           taskDataRow["EndDateColumnName"] = taskObject.EndDate

这种方式新添加的Task对象也会DataRow添加到DataTable FastMember,以防type T对您的用例不起作用您需要一个不同的选项,然后可能计划使用下面的自定义代码,其中所有DataTable属性将转换为具有适当列名的 public static DataTable CreateTable<TDataTable>(this IEnumerable<TDataTable> collection) { // Fetch the type of List contained in the ParamValue var tableType = typeof(TDataTable); // Create DataTable which will contain data from List<T> var dataTable = new DataTable(); // Fetch the Type fields count var columnCount = tableType.GetProperties().Count(); var columnNameMappingDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // Create DataTable Columns using table type field name and their types // Traversing through Column Collection for (var counter = 0; counter < columnCount; counter++) { var propertyInfo = tableType.GetProperties()[counter]; // Fetch DataParam attribute var dataParameterAttribute = propertyInfo.GetDataParameterAttribute(); // Datatable column name based on DataParam attribute var columnName = (dataParameterAttribute != null) ? dataParameterAttribute.Name : propertyInfo.Name; columnNameMappingDictionary.Add(propertyInfo.Name, (dataParameterAttribute != null) ? dataParameterAttribute.Name : propertyInfo.Name); // Fetch the current type of a property and check whether its nullable type before adding a column var currentType = tableType.GetProperties()[counter].PropertyType; dataTable.Columns.Add(columnName, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(currentType) ?? currentType); } // Return parameter with null value if (collection == null) return dataTable; // Traverse through number of entries / rows in the List foreach (var item in collection) { // Create a new DataRow var dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); foreach (var columnName in columnNameMappingDictionary.Select(propertyinfo => propertyinfo.Value)) { dataRow[columnName] = item.GetType().GetProperty(columnName).GetValue(item) ?? DBNull.Value; } // Add Row to Table dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow); } return (dataTable); } ,您可以根据需要添加字段选项,目前它是属性:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class DataParamAttribute : Attribute
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the name.
        /// </summary>
        public string Name { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DataParamAttribute"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name.
        /// </param>
        public DataParamAttribute(string name)
            this.Name = name;


public static DataParamAttribute GetDataParameterAttribute(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            DataParamAttribute mappedAttribute = null;

            // Get list of Custom Attributes on a property
            var attributeArray = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false);

            // Column mapping of the ParameterAttribute
            var columnMapping =
                attributeArray.FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute.GetType() == typeof(DataParamAttribute));

            if (columnMapping != null)
                // Typecast to get the mapped attribute
                mappedAttribute = columnMapping as DataParamAttribute;
            return mappedAttribute;


picker.delegate = self;