
时间:2016-08-20 18:44:32

标签: haskell monads abstract-syntax-tree


data TermI a = Var a
             | App (TermI a) (TermC a)  -- when type-checking an application, infer the type of the function and then check that its argument matches the domain
             | Star  -- the type of types
             | Pi (Type a) (Scope () Type a)  -- The range of a pi-type is allowed to refer to the argument's value
             | Ann (TermC a) (Type a)  -- embed a checkable term by declaring its type
             deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

data TermC a = Inf (TermI a)  -- embed an inferrable term
             | Lam (Scope () TermC a)
             deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

type Type = TermC  -- types are values in a dependent type system

(我或多或少地从Simply Easy解除了这个。)类型系统是bidirectional,将术语拆分为可以从打字上下文推断出类型的术语,以及那些只能是检查目标类型。这在依赖类型系统中很有用,因为通常lambda术语没有主体类型。


instance Monad TermI where
    return = Var
    Var x >>= f = f x
    App fun arg >>= f = App (fun >>= f) (arg >>= Inf . f)  -- embed the substituted TermI into TermC using Inf
    Star >>= _ = Star
    Pi domain range >>= f = Pi (domain >>= Inf . f) (range >>>= Inf . f)
    Ann term ty >>= f = Ann (term >>= Inf . f) (ty >>= Inf . f)

instance Monad TermC where
    return = Inf . return
    Lam body >>= f = Lam (body >>>= f)
    Inf term >>= f = Inf (term >>= _)

要填充TermC实例最后一行的漏洞,我需要a -> TermI b类型的内容,但f的类型为a -> TermC b。我无法使用TermC构造函数将生成的TermI嵌入Ann,因为我不知道TermC的类型。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这根本不可能:TermC不是monad。替代使用术语来代替变量。为了使其有意义,术语需要能够适合,即足够相似,以使得所得的术语仍具有良好的性质。这意味着它的类型必须是可推断的。 TermC不会这样做。


 substI :: TermI a -> (a -> TermI b) -> TermI b
 substC :: TermC a -> (a -> TermI b) -> TermC b


 instance Monad TermI where
   return = Var
   bind   = substI