
时间:2016-08-23 09:27:19

标签: javascript html

function plot(equation) {
    var graph;
    var xPadding = 30;
    var yPadding = 30;

    var data = {
        values : [{
                X : "1",
                Y : 15
            }, {
                X : "2",
                Y : 35
            }, {
                X : "3",
                Y : 60
            }, {
                X : "4",
                Y : 14
            }, {
                X : "5",
                Y : 20
            }, {
                X : "6",
                Y : -30

    // Returns the max Y value in our data list
    function getMaxY() {
        var max = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < data.values.length; i++) {
            if (data.values[i].Y > max) {
                max = data.values[i].Y;

        max += 10 - max % 10;
        return max;
    var scaleA = 1.4;
    // Return the x pixel for a graph point
    function getXPixel(val) {
        return ((graph.width() / scaleA  - xPadding) / data.values.length) * val + (xPadding * 1.5);

    // Return the y pixel for a graph point
    function getYPixel(val) {
        return graph.height() / scaleA  - (((graph.height() / scaleA  - yPadding) / getMaxY()) * val) - yPadding;

    graph = $('#graph');
    var c = graph[0].getContext('2d');
    c.lineWidth = 2;
    c.strokeStyle = '#333';
    c.font = 'italic 8pt sans-serif'; 
    c.textAlign = "center";

    // Draw the axises
    c.moveTo(xPadding, 0);
    c.lineTo(xPadding, graph.height() / scaleA  - yPadding);
    c.lineTo(graph.width(), graph.height() / scaleA  - yPadding);

    // Draw the X value texts
    for (var i = 0; i < data.values.length; i++) {
        c.fillText(data.values[i].X, getXPixel(i), graph.height() / scaleA  - yPadding + 20);

    // Draw the Y value texts
    c.textAlign = "right"
        c.textBaseline = "middle";

    for (var i = 0; i < getMaxY(); i += 10) {
        c.fillText(i, xPadding - 10, getYPixel(i));

    c.strokeStyle = '#f00';

    // Draw the line graph
    c.moveTo(getXPixel(0), getYPixel(equation(0)));
    for (var i = 1; i < data.values.length; i++) {
        c.lineTo(getXPixel(i), getYPixel(equation(i)));

    // Draw the dots
    c.fillStyle = '#333';

    for (var i = 0; i < data.values.length; i++) {
        c.arc(getXPixel(i), getYPixel(equation(i)), 4, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
var codeText = "";
function parseEquation(input){
    // Important that white spaces are removed first
    input = input.replace(/\s+/g,""); // remove whitespaces
    input = input.replace(/([\-\+])([xy])/g,"$11$2"); // convert -x -y or +x +y to -1x -1y or +1x +1y
                                                      // just to make the logic below a little simpler
    var newTerm = () => {term = { val : null, scalar : 1, left : left, };} // create a new term
    var pushTerm = () => {terms.push(term); term = null;} // push term and null current
    // regExp [xy=] gets "x","y", or "="" or [\-\+]??[0-9\.]+  gets +- number with decimal
    var reg =/[xy=]|[\-\+]??[0-9\.eE]+/g;   // regExp to split the input string into parts
    var parts = input.match(reg);           // get all the parts of the equation
    var terms = [];     // an array of all terms parsed
    var term = null;    // Numbers as constants and variables with scalars are terms
    var left = true;    // which side of equation a term is
         if (p === "x" || p === "y") {
            if (term !== null && term.val !== null) {  // is the variable defined
                 pushTerm(); // yes so push to the stack and null 
            if (term === null) { newTerm(); }  // do we need a new term?
            term.val = p;
        } else if( p === "="){                // is it the equals sign
            if (!left) { throw new SyntaxError("Unxpected `=` in equation."); }
            if (term === null) { throw new SyntaxError("No left hand side of equation."); }// make sure that there is a left side
            terms.push(term);   // push the last left side term onto the stack
            term = null;
            left = false;       // everything on the right from here on in
        } else {                // all that is left are numbers (we hope)
            if (isNaN(p)){ throw new SyntaxError("Unknown value '"+p+"' in equation");  }//check that there is a number
            if (term !== null && (p[0] === "+" || p[0] === "-")){ // check if number is a new term
                 pushTerm();    // yes so push to the stack and null 
            if(term === null){ newTerm(); } // do we need a new term?
            term.scalar *= Number(p);       // set the scalar to the new value
    if(term !== null){// there may or may not be a term left to push to the stack
    // now simplify the equation getting the scalar for left and right sides . x on left y on right
    var scalarX = 0;
    var scalarY = 0
    var valC = 0; // any constants 
    terms.forEach(t => {
        t.scalar *= !t.left ? -1 : 1; // everything on right is negative
        if (t.val === "y") {
            scalarY += -t.scalar; // reverse sign
        } else if (t.val === "x") {
            scalarX += t.scalar; 
        } else {
            valC += t.scalar;
    // now build the code string for the equation to solve for x and return y
    var code = "return (" + scalarX + " * x  + (" + valC + ")) / "+scalarY +";\n";
    codeText = code;
    var equation = new Function("x",code); // create the function
    return equation;

function parseAndPlot(){
  var input = eqInput.value;
     var equation = parseEquation(input);
     error.textContent ="Plot of "+input+ " as 'function(x){ "+codeText+"}'";      
     error.textContent = "Error parsing equation. " + e.message;      

var button = document.getElementById("plot");
var eqInput = document.getElementById("equation-text");
var error = document.getElementById("status");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="graph" width="200" height="150"></canvas> <br>
Enter a linear equation : <input id="equation-text" value="x2 + 5y = 250" type="text"></input><input id="plot" value="plot" type=button></input><div id="status"></div>

我在线性方程中的解析器中有一些代码,但我想在非线性方程中解析如何在数学中的非线性方程中编写解析器,例如x3 + x4-20x2 = 0和x ^ 100 + x ^ 200 + x ^ 1000 = 0如何查找功率解析器值,请帮助我。

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