
时间:2016-08-25 21:24:26

标签: excel vba


Public nCurrentRow As Long

Private Sub Next_Command_Click()
        nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow + 1
        TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
    Loop Until C_C_L.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = "" Or C_C_L.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.PI_Text.Value
End Sub

Private Sub Previous_Command_Click()
        nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow - 1
        TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
    Loop Until nCurrentRow = 1 Or C_C_L.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.PI_Text.Value
End Sub


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以下代码应处理此问题和您之前的问题How to update spreadsheet from VBA Form?

Option Explicit
Private NC_C_L As Worksheet
Private nCurrentRow As Long
Private firstRow As Long

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Set NC_C_L = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    firstRow = 4
End Sub

Private Sub AddRecord_Command_Click()
    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = NC_C_L.Range("A" & NC_C_L.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    nCurrentRow = lastRow + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Next_Command_Click()
    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = NC_C_L.Range("A" & NC_C_L.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    If nCurrentRow < lastRow Then
        nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow + 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Previous_Command_Click()
    If nCurrentRow > firstRow Then
        nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow - 1
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ReadData()
    With NC_C_L
        Me.A_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 1)
        Me.B_Box = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 2)
        Me.C_Combo.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 3)
        Me.C_Combo.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 4)
        Me.F_Combo.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 5)
        Me.H_Combo.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 6)
        Me.I_Combo.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 7)
        Me.J_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 8)
        Me.K_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 9)
        Me.Comments1_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 10)
        Me.Comments2_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 11)
        Me.Comments3_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 12)
        Me.PhoneNumber_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 13)
        Me.Address1_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 14)
        Me.Address2_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 15)
        Me.City_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 16)
        Me.State_Combo.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 17)
        Me.Zip_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 18)
        Me.EMail_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 19)
        Me.P_Name_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 20)
        Me.P_PhoneNumber_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 21)
        Me.P_Address_Text.Value = .Cells(nCurrentRow, 22)
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub WriteData()
    With NC_C_L
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 1) = Me.A_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 2) = Me.B_Box
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 3) = Me.C_Combo.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 4) = Me.C_Combo.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 5) = Me.F_Combo.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 6) = Me.H_Combo.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 7) = Me.I_Combo.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 8) = Me.J_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 9) = Me.K_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 10) = Me.Comments1_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 11) = Me.Comments2_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 12) = Me.Comments3_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 13) = Me.PhoneNumber_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 14) = Me.Address1_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 15) = Me.Address2_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 16) = Me.City_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 17) = Me.State_Combo.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 18) = Me.Zip_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 19) = Me.EMail_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 20) = Me.P_Name_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 21) = Me.P_PhoneNumber_Text.Value
        .Cells(nCurrentRow, 22) = Me.P_Address_Text.Value
    End With
End Sub