What is the difference between these PHP variables

时间:2016-08-31 12:35:57

标签: php

Can anyone tell me what is the differnce between:

class Test {
  public $var; // I know this can be accessed from outside...

  public function __construct($var) {
    $this->var = $var; // This 
    $this->new_var = $var; // And this ... ? this is only internal like I would write private $new_var; ?

  public function echoVar() {
    echo $this->new_var;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这两者之间实际上没有任何根本区别 - 如果您在PHP中写入未声明的属性(来自类内部或外部),它将动态创建新的公共属性。所以给出以下脚本:

class Test {
  public function __construct() {
    $this->foo = 'foo';

$test = new Test;
echo $test->foo;




答案 1 :(得分:0)


class Test {
  public $var; // I know this can be accessed from outside...
  //Variable/property that can be accessed from outside the class like you mentioned.    

  public function __construct($var) {
    $this->var = $var; // This 
    //$this calls a non static method or property from a class, in this case the property `public $var`       

    $this->new_var = $var; // And this ... ? this is only internal like I would write private $new_var; ?
    //Creates a new public property in the Test class 

  public function echoVar() {
    echo $this->new_var;
    //echo the property new_var from Test class.

答案 2 :(得分:0)


class Test {
    public $var; // This is a member variable or attribute.
                 // Something that this class has access to 
                 // and any of its sub-children

    public function __construct($var) {
        $this->var = $var; //If you mean $this then it is
                           // the current instance of this class see below
                           //If you mean $var it is a the parameter that 
                           //is passed to the method. See below as well

        $this->new_var = $var; // update: this adds a public member to the object
                               // essentially another $var just not easily known.
                               // Not sure a good use for this except confusion and chaos.
                               // If it were just $new_var then it is a 
                               // scoped variable in this method


$testPony = new Test("pony"); //An instance of test with a parameter of pony
$testUnicorn = new Test("unicorn"); //An instance of test with a parameter of unicorn

echo $testPony->var . "<br>";
echo $testUnicorn->var . "<br>";

echo $testPony->new_var . "<br>";
echo $testUnicorn->new_var . "<br>";

echo "<pre>";


I like pony
I like unicorn
object(Test)#49 (3) {
   ["var"]=>string(4) "pony"
   ["new_var"]=>string(11) "I like pony"

作为一个注释,最终转储只显示公共成员,如果有私有的,它将采用格式(假设私有$ foo)["foo":"Test":private]=>NULL