
时间:2016-09-07 07:37:13

标签: javascript html

var map = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],  // Array for the Game and the the Win Check
    design = ["td0", "td1", "td2", 
           "td3", "td4", "td5", 
           "td6", "td7", "td8"], // Array for the fields of the Table.
    Player = true; // true is player Blue, false is player red. 

function Game(x) // Game() will be executed when a field in the Table is clicked.
  switch(Player) // Switch from Player 1 to 2 
      case true:
        if(map[x] == 0) // this if is for 
            document.getElementById(design[x]).style.backgroundColor = "blue";
            map[x] = 1; // in the 'map' array 1 are Player Blue fields and 2 are Player Red fields
            Check(1); // The Win Check for the Game
            Player = false; // PlayerChange to Player 1 or 'Red'
      case false:
        if(map[x] == 0)
            document.getElementById(design[x]).style.backgroundColor = "red";
            map[x] = 2; 
            Player = true; // PlayerChange to Player 2 or 'Blue'

function Check(x)
	if(map[0] == x && map[1] == x && map[2] == x || // horizontal 
 	   map[3] == x && map[4] == x && map[5] == x || // ^
	   map[6] == x && map[7] == x && map[8] == x || // ^
	   map[0] == x && map[3] == x && map[6] == x || // vertical
	   map[1] == x && map[4] == x && map[7] == x || // ^
	   map[3] == x && map[5] == x && map[8] == x || // ^
	   map[0] == x && map[4] == x && map[8] == x || // diagonal
	   map[2] == x && map[4] == x && map[6] == x)   // ^
	    alert("Player " + x + " win!"); // Alert for the Player
          for(var i=0;i<9;i++) 
            map[i] == 3; // Makes the fields untouchable from User.
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;
        <td id="td0" onclick="Game(0);" />
        <td id="td1" onclick="Game(1);" />
        <td id="td2" onclick="Game(2);" />
        <td id="td3" onclick="Game(3);" />
        <td id="td4" onclick="Game(4);" />
        <td id="td5" onclick="Game(5);" />
        <td id="td6" onclick="Game(6);" />
        <td id="td7" onclick="Game(7);" />
        <td id="td8" onclick="Game(8);" />
我的问题在这里,我不知道/理解为什么在document.getElementById("id").style.backgroundColor = "color"之前执行检查(带警报),这比这个函数高2行。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


var map = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],  // Array for the Game and the the Win Check
    design = ["td0", "td1", "td2", 
           "td3", "td4", "td5", 
           "td6", "td7", "td8"], // Array for the fields of the Table.
    Player = true; // true is player Blue, false is player red. 

function Game(x) // Game() will be executed when a field in the Table is clicked.
  switch(Player) // Switch from Player 1 to 2 
      case true:
        if(map[x] == 0) // this if is for 
            document.getElementById(design[x]).style.backgroundColor = "blue";
            map[x] = 1; // in the 'map' array 1 are Player Blue fields and 2 are Player Red fields
            Check(1); // The Win Check for the Game
            Player = false; // PlayerChange to Player 1 or 'Red'
      case false:
        if(map[x] == 0)
            document.getElementById(design[x]).style.backgroundColor = "red";
            map[x] = 2; 
            Player = true; // PlayerChange to Player 2 or 'Blue'

function Check(x)
	if(map[0] == x && map[1] == x && map[2] == x || // horizontal 
 	   map[3] == x && map[4] == x && map[5] == x || // ^
	   map[6] == x && map[7] == x && map[8] == x || // ^
	   map[0] == x && map[3] == x && map[6] == x || // vertical
	   map[1] == x && map[4] == x && map[7] == x || // ^
	   map[3] == x && map[5] == x && map[8] == x || // ^
	   map[0] == x && map[4] == x && map[8] == x || // diagonal
	   map[2] == x && map[4] == x && map[6] == x)   // ^
	    setTimeout(function(){alert("Player " + x + " win!")}, 100);; // Alert for the Player
          for(var i=0;i<9;i++) 
            map[i] == 3; // Makes the fields untouchable from User.
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  border: 1px solid black;
        <td id="td0" onclick="Game(0);" />
        <td id="td1" onclick="Game(1);" />
        <td id="td2" onclick="Game(2);" />
        <td id="td3" onclick="Game(3);" />
        <td id="td4" onclick="Game(4);" />
        <td id="td5" onclick="Game(5);" />
        <td id="td6" onclick="Game(6);" />
        <td id="td7" onclick="Game(7);" />
        <td id="td8" onclick="Game(8);" />

答案 1 :(得分:0)


只有明确的alert有点异常,因为它需要立即发生 ,所以它会暂停你的脚本,弹出对话框,然后恢复你的脚本当它关闭时。

