
时间:2016-09-07 20:12:55

标签: swift memory-management automatic-ref-counting reference-counting



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)







答案 1 :(得分:1)


概念化ARC的简单方法是两遍过程。首先,它检查您的代码并在引入对象引用和/或超出范围的位置插入内存管理代码(在语义上等同于ARC ObjC之前的retainrelease调用)。所以这个:

func doSomething() -> Object {
    let thing1 = Object(name: "foo")
    var thing2 = Object(name: "bar")
    thing2 = Object(name: "baz")
    return thing2


func doSomething() -> Object {
    let thing1 = Object(name: "foo")
    __retain(thing1) // increment reference count so thing1 sticks around

    var thing2 = Object(name: "bar")
    __retain(thing2) // increment reference count so thing2 sticks around

    let oldThing2 = thing2 // thing2 gets replaced on the next line
    thing2 = Object(name: "baz")
    __release(oldThing2) // get rid of the thing that got overwritten
    __retain(thing2) // hold onto the new thing that replaced it

    __release(thing1) // end of scope, so nothing else will use thing1
    return __autorelease(thing2) // relinquish ownership of thing2,
        // but only upon handing ownership over to our caller

引入对象引用的时间以及它们超出范围或被传递给调用者的时间(通过return语句)是从一行到另一行完成程序语义的最低要求,但是停止在此分析级别导致冗余内存管理。 (例如,thing1在创建之后永远不会被使用。所以ARC做的下一件事就是流量分析以消除冗余并执行其他优化,使我们的示例伪代码更像是这样:

func doSomething() -> Object {
    _ = Object(name: "foo") // formerly thing1
    // Object.init(name:) is called in case it has side effects, 
    // but the result is immediately discarded because it's not used

    _ = Object(name: "bar") // formerly thing2
    // again we call the initializer but discard the result,
    // because the original thing2 is immediately overwritten

    let thing2 = Object(name: "baz")
    // no retain, because nothing happens between here and return
    // that could affect the memory lifetime of thing2

    return __magic_autorelease(thing2) 
    // and there's other voodoo we can do to ensure handoff to the caller
    // without getting into retain count tracking or autorelease pools

这显然是一个非常随意的概述 - 在幕后有更多的内容,所以真正的实现并不完全适合这个简单的两步过程,但从概念上来说它非常相似。有关更详细的讨论,请查看:

