
时间:2016-09-07 23:12:25

标签: python python-3.x

我有一个数字列表,包含这些数字的样本均值和标准差。现在我试图找出平均值+ -SD,平均值+ -2SD和平均值+ -3SD的数字。 例如,在mean + -SD的部分,我做了如下代码:

ND1 = [np.mean(l)+np.std(l,ddof=1)]    
ND2 = [np.mean(l)-np.std(l,ddof=1)]



ND68 = []

if ND2 > m and m< ND1:

    ND68.append(m<ND2 and m>ND1)
    print (ND68)

这是我的问题: 1.可以通过列表计算数字并安排。如果是这样,那部分我做错了。或者我可以使用一些包来解决这个问题。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这可能会有所帮助。我们将使用numpy来获取您要查找的值。在我的示例中,我创建了一个正态分布的数组,然后使用布尔切片来返回+/- 1,2或3个标准差之外的元素。

import numpy as np

# create a random normally distributed integer array
my_array = np.random.normal(loc=30, scale=10, size=100).astype(int)

# find the mean and standard dev
my_mean = my_array.mean()
my_std = my_array.std()

# find numbers outside of 1, 2, and 3 standard dev
# the portion inside the square brackets returns an
# array of True and False values.  Slicing my_array
# with the boolean array return only the values that
# are True
out_std_1 = my_array[np.abs(my_array-my_mean) > my_std]
out_std_2 = my_array[np.abs(my_array-my_mean) > 2*my_std]
out_std_3 = my_array[np.abs(my_array-my_mean) > 3*my_std]

答案 1 :(得分:1)


因为你想在几个标准差的间隔内这样做,我建议制作一个小功能。您可以多次调用它而无需太多额外工作。另外,我将使用list comprehension,这只是一行中的for循环。

import numpy as np

def filter_by_n_std_devs(samplePopulation, numStdDevs):
    # you mostly got this part right, no need to put them in lists though
    mean = np.mean(samplePopulation) # no brackets needed here
    std = np.std(samplePopulation) # or here
    band = numStdDevs * std 

    # this is the list comprehension
    filteredPop = [x for x in samplePopulation if x < mean - band or x > mean + band]
    return filteredPop

# now call your function with however many std devs you want
filteredPopulation = filter_by_n_std_devs(samplePopulation, 1)


# remember that you provide the variable samplePopulation
# the above list comprehension
filteredPop = [x for x in samplePopulation if x < mean - band or x > mean + band]

# is equivalent to this:
filteredPop = []
for num in samplePopulation:
    if x < mean - band or x > mean + band:


  • 您不需要根据平均值和标准计算制作列表对象
  • 功能调用允许您插入samplePopulation和任意数量的标准差,而无需进入并手动更改值
  • 列表推导是循环的一行,或多或少,你甚至可以在里面进行你想要的过滤!